Future Dates & Training Opportunities
September 30, 2022 – Tech Day+ 2022/Registration Link
October 4, 2022, at 2PM CT – DEI Train U.P.! with Paola Varela-Tena (Hamilton Co. Library) and Christina Cotton (Baker & Taylor), re: collection development and censorship.
October 26-28, 2022 – KLA Conference in Wichita/Registration Link
November 4, 2022 – Basic Quickbooks/Registration Link
December 8, 2022 – After Lunch Course “Lead From Where You Are”
System Spotlight
By Jody Hattrup
Joan Weaver Director of Kinsley Library was on KWCH News
Plains Community Library

By Richard Brookman
Basic Quickbooks Workshop
Schneweis Tax and Accounting, Bookkeepers for SWKLS, will conduct a day of training on basic Quickbooks. The workshop will be held at Cimarron City Library Basement, November 4, 2022, starting at 10:00 am – 3:00 pm. This workshop is free to member libraries and $75.00 for non-member libraries. Follow the link to register for the workshop.
Topics will include:
1) Setting up Budgets and talking about using Classes;
2) Using Classes to Separate Funds (Grants, Donations, Fees…)
3) Setting up income lines;
4) Setting up expense lines;
5) How to make deposits (by Class – General [Appropriations], Grants, Donations, Fess…)
6) Checking writing by Class;
7) Payroll to include Quarterly Fed, St, KPERS, Year end Reports (W-2s); and
8) Reconciling Bank Statements.
KSHRAB Conference Scholarships
The Kansas Historical Records Advisory Board (KSHRAB) is offering scholarships to attend a conference or meeting for archival training. The requirements are that you have to be a Kansas student, resident, or employee. The applicant will use the application to provide information about their work, educational background, and need for a scholarship. Applicants will also give examples of the type of formal training or experience they have working with historical documents and show reason of how the conference or meeting will assist in their work/education.
If you have a conference or meeting in mind the organization would like to have your scholarship application submitted at least four (4) weeks before the conference or meeting for applicant submission review. Applications should be submitted to kshs.kshrab@ks.gov or mailed to KSHRAB, Kansas State Historical Society, 6425 SW 6th Ave, Topeka, Kansas 66615. For a copy of the scholarship application follow this link.
Thank you to Emily Bodenhamer of the Kansas Historical Society for the information.
Banned Book Week and Library Card Sign-Up Month
September is a busy month for libraries. You have different events that you can promote within your library that are library related.
Banned Book Week is September 18-24, this year. Many libraries will build a display or have posters and/or bookmarks about the topic. If you would like to use more neutral language for this topic, a new slogan that is being put out this year is “Books Unite Us”.
September is also Library Card Sign-Up Month. So you can promote in your local paper, social media, or other means to have community members, that don’t have a library card, can come to your library to receive one. A library card is a powerful tool that many within our communities don’t realize they can obtain.
Whether it’s both or just one of the library related events mentioned above, be sure to promote your library.
National Senior Center Month
If you were looking for a program for the library during September you might consider teaming up with your local Senior Center. September is National Senior Center Month. The recognition began as just a week by President Ronald Reagan in a Presidential Proclamation in 1985. In 2007 the week was extended to the full month of September to give centers flexibility in scheduling events.
Even if it isn’t in the month of September you can always contact the System Office to schedule in a Talking Books presentation. This presentation is part of the System’s grant funding to support Talking Books. With this funding available there is be no charge to your library for the presentation.
Cataloging, Collection Development, and ILL
By Sara Wilson
By Jody Hattrup
Mango Webinar
Want to learn a new language?? Mango is a free resource through the State Library of Kansas. The webinar above walks you through how to get signed up. On this platform, you can choose what language you want to learn Spanish, English, Japanese, and more. You also have the option to choose special courses for specific job fields such as medical, library, business, etc. For more information about Mango and Kansas Online Databases click here for the link to Resource Guide For Kansas Library Database.
Last Day to Register for Tech Day+ 2022
Registering for the in-person Tech Day+ 2022 is September 23, 2022. This year’s theme is Luau so don’t forget your Hawaiian shirt, sun hat, flip-flops, etc.
We will be serving pulled pork, potato salad, baked beans, and a Hawaiian roll, with tea, water, and lemonade for lunch. Be sure to thank the chef, Steve Andrews for an incredible feast.