
Richard Brookman
Richard received his undergraduate degree in History/Pre-Law minor. In 1999, he graduated from the University of Oklahoma with his Masters of Library and Information Studies.
He did not enjoy reading until he was introduced to comic books. Since then, he has been reading consistently. Comic books and Japanese manga and anime are his specialty, presenting at a variety of venues.
In his free time, he started the ComicPop Library podcast in 2011 and it is still going strong. The podcast reviews books, comic books/manga, animation, movies, music, gaming cards, and has done several interviews.
Richard is here to help If you need assistance finding laws and/or regulations related to the library community along with questions over Talking Books, continuing education and/or other library related issues.

Sara Wilson
Consultant/Program Coordinator
Sara Wilson is a western Kansas native, having grown up in Montezuma. She moved to Dodge City and has been a resident for the past 20 years. Sara began her career in 2014 as a Library Clerk and has since expanded her skills and experience to encompass many aspects of library service, including library management. Sara graduated with honors from the University of Nebraska at Omaha, earning her B.S.Ed. in Library Science, in 2022.
In her spare time, Sara enjoys making art, reading, writing, and playing board games with her friends and family.

Tandy Ritchhart
Office Manager
Tandy started with the Dodge City Public Library/Southwest Kansas Library System in 1986, while attending Dodge City Community College, as a combined Front Desk Clerk for DCPL and Communications Assistant for SWKLS. After working the combined job for 1 year, she went part-time solely with SWKLS as the Communications Assistant/Office Assistant until July of 2017. In July 2017, she took over the job of the Office Manager which is the job she currently holds.
She was born and raised in the Dodge City, KS. In 1986, she married the love of her life, Kevin, and they have one daughter, Krista, who will graduate from high school in 2020. In her spare time, Tandy keeps busy with the DCHS band, in which Krista is in Color Guard and plays Clarinet. She is very involved with Church activities, enjoys traveling with family in their camper and enjoys going to sporting events – go Chiefs and Royals!!! tritchhart@swkls.org

Steve Andrews
Technology Supervisor
Steve has worked with computers and related technology in a variety of fields including healthcare and hospitality since the early 1990’s. He has been a SWKLS staff member since 2007.
Steve has many hobbies including astronomy and playing guitar.
#didyoutryturningitoffandbackonagain? sandrews@swkls.org

Christopher Dressler
Technology Trainer
Chris is a graduate of Kansas Wesleyan University where he earned a B.S. Computer Science. A noteworthy leader and team player with 20 years’ IT experience and over 12 years’ experience at the Dodge City Public Library. In his free time, you will find him tinkering with a HAM radio, watching movies, playing with RC airplanes and trucks, and occasionally playing the saxophone in the community band. cdressler@swkls.org

Bernardo Gamboa
Systems Administrator
Bernardo is a bilingual Californian born and raised, with a heavy interest in technology, gaming, puzzles, reading and more. Having graduated from DC3 with an Associate in Applied Sciences in December of 2018, he was afforded the opportunity of full-time employment just prior to the end of his internship. Bernardo has since become proficient in utilizing PowerShell, bash, php, virtualization software, and 3D slicing software. In the scope of his work as Systems Administrator, he mainly works on assisting with printers both regular and 3D, SAM, software/hardware upgrades and more. bgamboa@swkls.org