Future Dates & Training Opportunities
November 22, 2022, 1:00 pm CT – Cultivating Affirmation & Belonging for LGBTQIA+ Youth/Registration Link
November 30, 2022, 1:00 pm – Safety on Spotlight: Addressing Threats in Public Libraries/Registration Link
December 6, 2022, 2:00 pm CT – Train U.P.: DEI Policies and Procedures with Casandra Norin
December 8, 2022, 10:00 am – CSLP’s Virtual Summer Symposium/Registration Link
December 8, 2022 – After Lunch Course “Lead From Where You Are”/Registration Link
December 9, 2022, 10:00 am – State Library of Kansas Board Meeting
December 16, 2022, 10:00 am – SWKLS Board Meeting (Online Only)
By Richard Brookman

After Lunch Course with Sharon Morris
The last After Lunch Course for the 2022 year will be held December 8 at 1:30 pm CT. The title of the webinar is “Lead from Where You Are” with Sharon Morris. As the title suggest the webinar is “focusing on leadership skills that apply to everyone”. This is to be an interactive session for you to “learn about the research on behaviors of effective leaders and identify your leadership strengths”, and, “walk away with strategies and a plan to grow yourself and others in leadership behaviors.”
Sharon Morris has a doctorate in Managerial Leadership in Libraries from Simmons College and attended Emporia State for her MLIS. She has provided workshops nationally on library leadership and development topics and has co-created several leadership institutes.
If you are interested in attending the this After Lunch Course you can register through this link.
Cultivating Affirmation & Belonging Seminar/CSLP’s Virtual Summer Symposium Links Live
The registration links for the “Cultivating Affirmation & Belonging for LGBTQIA+ Youth” seminar and CSLP’s Virtual Summer Symposium are now live.
This “Cultivating Affirmation & Belonging for LGBTQIA+ Youth” seminar is presented by the Kaleidoscope Youth Center’s Director of Education and Outreach, Amanda Erickson, brought to you by CSLP’s Inclusion Committee. “Participants will learn about implicit bias, the complexity and depth of gender, and explanation of acronyms. The participants will be given strategies to create a welcoming environment in their library and their library’s summer reading program for LGBTQIA+ youth.” The seminar will be on November 22, 2022, beginning at 1:00 pm CT.
The Collaborative Summer Library Program Symposium is being held virtually December 8, 2022. It will begin at 10:00 am CT and last until 3:30 pm CT. The day will include: a keynote from Tracie D. Hall, Executive Director of ALA, addressing “The Library as a Civic Bridge and Community Learning Hub”; “Summer Library Outreach to Underserved Children and Caregivers”; “All Together Now with Intergenerational Summer Programming”; and “Decorating Together”.
Registration Links:
Cultivating Affirmation & Belonging for LGBTIA+ Youth” Seminar Registration Link
CSLP’s Virtual Summer Symposium Registration Link
Safety on Spotlight Webinar for Libraries
The Public Library Association, Urban Libraries Council, and The Association of Rural & Small Libraries have joined together to offer a webinar on “Safety on Spotlight: Addressing Threats in Public Libraries. The webinar will be held on November 30, 2022, at 1:00 pm CT.
The webinar will cover and give ideas for libraries on how to:
- “Support colleagues and communities facing attacks on their libraries;
- Recognize the impact of trauma on library work and library workers in times of uncertainty or threats;
- Understand and be able to use de-escalation techniques in responding to library safety and security issues; and
- Identify resources and opportunities for support to help manage the emotional impact of being on the receiving end of threatening behavior.”
The panelists will include: Maria McCauley, Director of Libraries for the City of Cambridge (MA); Justin Lock, Senior Counsel to the Director for the US Department of Justice, Community Relations Service; Manya Shorr, Director of the Fort Worth (TX) Public Library; Leah Esguerra, a California Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist; and Dustin Koopman, Director of Security at Mid-Continent Public Library (Independence, MO).
If you are interested in this webinar you can register through this link.
Cataloging, Collection Development, and ILL
By Sara Wilson
In literary news, this week . . .
The Brooklyn Public Library Announces Its Most Borrowed Book Ever
The Brooklyn Public Library first opened its doors 125 years ago and now, they are ready to share with the world what their most checked out book of all time has been. It’s a children’s book, they have 163 copies of it (according to NPR), and it’s a banned book! Can you guess what it is? Click here to see if you’re right.
Training and Education
This week, I thought I would share this inspirational TED Talk by author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie about the importance of acknowledging different points of view in literature. The ALA’s Library Bill of Rights tells us that as librarians, we have a responsibility to offer our communities a balanced look at the world through our collections and Ms. Adichie highlights why we should all have access to more than a single story about a person, place, or concept.

For a list of some of the equipment we have for you to try out, type “SWKLS Equipment Collection” in the search bar of our Verso. For more information, contact our office at 620-225-1231.
Need New Book Club Ideas?
Maybe your book club used to be exciting and engaged, but lately, it’s feeling a little lackluster. Maybe attendance has dropped off. Maybe you’re looking for ways to engage a whole new crowd. Maybe you’re not quite sure where to start.
The ALA recently came out with a book called “Book Club Reboot” that we offer in our Professional Collection. Programming Librarian has written an article highlighting all of the benefits this resource has to offer, including ways to think outside the box when it comes to book clubs, such as hosting a walking book club, different locations for discussions, community partnerships, and more. This book can be requested from our office on SHAREit.
Book clubs don’t have to cost a fortune and you don’t have to spend hours coming up with discussion points! The State Library of Kansas offers Book Discussion Group Sets and you can also use the Multi-Copy Request option (discussed at 13:44) in SHAREit to request multiple copies of the same book from different libraries.
By: Steve Andrews
New Computers
New computer orders are shipping fairly quick and we’ve received about two-thirds of the outstanding orders at this point. We’ve begun scheduling visits this week to deploy what we have ready. The first model of desktop computer that we received a quote on has ran out of stock but we do have another model with similar specs and pricing still showing availability. As a reminder, all new computers will be loaded with Windows 11!

E-Rate 2023-2024
Our E-rate consultant, Toby Sykes, has begun sending emails concerning the upcoming 2023-2024 E-rate cycle. As a reminder, I am copied on all of these emails so no need to forward anything from Toby to me. Please be sure to read these emails as some of our libraries will need to submit new Letters of Authorization for Toby to handle your filings. In a few cases your EPC portal primary administrator account may need to be updated with new Director information which will typically require contacting the EPC helpdesk. Instructions for all of this are contained within Toby’s email(s) if needed.
Toby usually sends out emails prior to the end of the year asking about any anticipated changes or purchases beforehand. The SWKLS tech team will begin reviewing Category One (Internet access) and Category Two (equipment) needs after the first of the year, and once we have a chance to review your library’s needs I’ll reach out to everyone.

If your staff computer is displaying a message concerning the free upgrade to Windows 11 we encourage you to let allow / proceed with the upgrade. Our advice is to do this toward the end of the day near closing as the process does take a bit of time. If you encounter any issues please let us know.
Please note that this upgrade cannot be processed on patron computers due to Deep Freeze, so the SWKLS tech team will need to do that for any compatible patron computer.