Future Dates & Training Opportunities
All times are in Central Standard Time (CST).
May 11, 2021 at 10:00 am – “Ted Talk” through Auto-Graphics – Verso / Registration Link – Submit Questions Link
May 13, 2021 at 10:00 am – Library Maintenance Checklist, Part 3 /Registration Link – Zoom Link
May 14, 2021 at 10 am- Spring Workday at Grant County Library/ Registration Link
May 19, 2021, at 10 am – Spring Workday at Dodge City SWKLS Office/ Registration Link
May 21, 2021, at 10 am – Spring Workday at Scott County Library/Registration Link
May 21 – May 25 – and May 27, 2021, at 9:00 am – Municipal Services Budget Workshop Fee Based Registration
May 28, 2021 at 10 am – Spring Workday at Protection Township Library/ Registration Link
September 1 at Haskell Township Library – Very Merry VERSO Launch
Public Relations Costumes

The Office has ordered the four costumes for usage at your libraries for special events (in you library or at a different location), story hours, parades, and anything else you can use the characters for. We already have a couple of reservations from our member libraries. So that everyone is aware, shipping products has become slower. Therefore, we can’t determine when these costumes might come in. With the two reservations we already have we are keeping our fingers crossed that the costumes come in on time.
The costumes are also produced to fit a specific person’s measurements. The costumes are made to my measurements since I am the person who would come out and wear the costume at your library. If you want to check a costume out, instead of having me come to your event, we will have to make sure someone within your library can wear the costume.
PPE Delivery
The Office has received the majority of the PPE orders (for the libraries that ordered PPE supplies) and made our first two deliveries these past two weeks. With the staff scheduling we have one delivery day for next week and another day for the following week. We plan on having everything delivered before the end of May if all goes well.
Talks with Ted Registration Update

Some of you may have experienced trouble registering for the webinar. If you did, we sincerely apologize. The registration link is restored and live now, so you may register if you were not able to do so before.
Registration: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/rt/1703449589951880207Early questions form: https://forms.gle/Cae5YtnBD9FU7LL7A
KLA Accepting Presentation Proposals

We are now accepting proposals for the 2021 Kansas Library Association (KLA) Conference October 27-29, 2021 in Wichita, Kansas.
We are accepting submissions for the following types of proposals: breakout sessions, meal events, business meetings, user’s groups, all conference events, pre-conference events, and panel discussions. This year’s theme is: Expanding Boundaries Together. During the last year, libraries have seen the necessity of adapting to new formats, have changed service delivery methods, and have worked together with community partners to provide new ways of accessing library services. Attendees are encouraged to submit proposals that align with this theme. For example, program proposals can – highlight the new programs and services of your library, explore the future of libraries, and provide tools for embracing change.
To submit a proposal please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/2Jj4cNjVZkvUnguQ8. Deadline to submit this form is May 31, 2021. Proposals submitted after the deadline will not be considered.
Applicants will be notified of proposal status on or before June 30, 2021 via email.
Questions about proposals: Send them to Crystal Hutchinson (cbhutchinson@fhsu.edu), Janelle Mercer (jmercer@wichita.gov), or Martha House (mhouse@cgrove417.org).
If you have general KLA Conference questions, please contact: Holly Mercer (hmercer@dc3.edu).
Municipal Services Budget Workshops
The System office has signed up for the May 25, 2021 Budget Workshop. Tandy, Steve, and I will be attended so more than one person has the information. Once we have finished the workshop we will formulate a workup to send out to our member library directors.
Good afternoon,
The Municipal Services Team is pleased to announce the 2021 budget workshop dates! All workshops will be held virtually via Teams. We look forward to providing in person training in 2022!
Workshop Dates
• Tuesday, May 11th, 2021 (Closed – Full)
• Thursday, May 13th, 2021 (Closed – Full)
• Wednesday, May 19th, 2021 (Closed – Full)
• Friday, May 21st, 2021
• Tuesday, May 25th, 2021
• Thursday, May 27th, 2021
All workshops will begin at 9 am and will end at 4 pm. The morning session will include a legislative update, updates related to Senate Bill 13, information regarding the American Rescue Plan Act, and other matters of interest. The afternoons session is designed for those new to Kansas municipal budgeting or those looking to refresh their budget knowledge.
Workshops qualify for up to 6 hours of CPE.
To register, you may visit Municipal Services or use the registration link .
Registrants will receive the workshop materials and meeting information via email one week prior to the enrolled workshop.
Payment Information
Workshop registration is $75 per person.
Cataloging, Collection Development, and ILL
Monthly Cat Express Usage Report
For those members who wanted to view their usage monthly, it is available. / Link
Now Available on the Wiki
We have added a Sample Policies page to our Wiki. This resource includes documents from the ALA regarding censorship, freedom to read, the first amendment, etc. There are also policies written by libraries for: ILL, patron laptops, collection development, etc. The Sample Policies page can be used as a reference when your library needs to write new policies or update current policies. / Link
OCLC ILL Statistics
March 2020: 45 March 2021: 34
April 2020: 0 April 2021: 29 Excellent!
Free Disc Mailers
At the SWKLS Office, we have nine brand-new cardboard disc mailers, suitable for protecting music CDs or short audiobooks. They are white and measure 6″x 6″ x 1″ If you would like them, email Kelly.
StoryWalks are in the news!
Tech Day Plus 2021
We are in the beginning stages of planning Tech Day Plus 2021. Tech Day will be held in Cimarron at the Gray County Recreation Center on September 24, 2021 for those who can come in person. The following week the SWKLS staff with be providing a virtual Tech Day Plus for those who want to attend on Zoom. Registration is soon to follow.
Spring Workdays
There are four workdays scheduled in the southwest area which include Ulysses, Dodge City, Scott City, and Protection. These workdays are design to give directors or staff an opportunity to work on upcoming projects such as Summer Reading Program, Facebook, website, and etc. Jody the Technology Trainer will be at each location from 10 am to 3 pm for any assistance needed but each location is a come and go event. All are welcome at each location but please register on Eventbrite.
Technology Plans
We have begun receiving and reviewing technology plans for the 2022-2023 cycle. Please remember that technology plans are now tied to the accreditation cycle and no longer on a three year cycle. You would submit your plan this year and it will be valid for Jan 1st 2022 to Dec 31st 2023. For more information on technology planning, please visit our wiki page here: https://wiki.swkls.org/index.php/Category:Technology_Planning