Future Dates & Training Opportunities
All times are in Central Standard Time (CST)
May 6, 2022 – 10:30 am, myLibro App Demo & Discussion/Zoom Link
May 10, 2022 – 10 am, Talks with Ted/Registration Link
May 12, 2022 – 9am – 11 am, Recipe for Success in the School Library Zoom Workshop/Registration Link
May 13, 2022 – Directors’ meeting with AG and Mitinet re: BestMARC *See below for details.
May 20, 2022 – Catalogers: CatExpress subscription changes due by the end of today.
May 23, 2022 – Kelly will submit new subscription changes to CatExpress.
June 9, 2022 – After Lunch Course “Intellectual Freedom”
September 8, 2022 – After Lunch Course “Cultural Humility”
September 14 -17, 2022 – ARSL Conference in Chattanooga, TN
October 26-28, 2022 – KLA Conference in Wichita
November 4, 2022 – Tentative date for our 3rd annual “Crafting Your Collection” – This cataloging workshop will be 100% online.
December 8, 2022 – After Lunch Course “Lead From Where You Are”
System Spotlight
If you would like to highlight your library, we’d like to hear from you. Whether it’s about your activities, programs, or anything else that is going on that you’re proud of we can hold a spotlight on your library here in the Weekly Wrap UP if you email Jody at jhattrup@swkls.org
Scott County Library Programming
Scott County Library has had a lot of fun and creative programs going on over the last couple of months. This is their second year participating in the Kansas Corn Stem program. This Stem program was developed by the Corn Commission and offered to libraries across Kansas. The Corn Commission provided lessons and hands-on learning materials. The lessons showed the importance of corn to Kansas and the World. Millie, the Youth Services Librarian, also added another lesson about popcorn, and “Poppy” the air popper dragon came out to play.
Scott County Library’s new program is called ” Read and Hike.” The Library and the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks have partnered up. Children can come into the Library and check out a backpack. The backpack contains a book, a day pass to the lake, and vouchers to the Beachhouse which has food items and supplies for campers, hikers, and fishermen.
Scott County Library has lots of fun promoting the mystery books (which are wrapped books) on the children’s side so they decided to develop it into a passive program for their adult patrons. “Read with me and have a cup of tea” was the adult version of the mystery books during the month of March. It also was a big success.
Grant County Library is Getting Ready for Summer
Sponge Bob made an appearance at Grant County Library to help kick off the Summer Reading Sign-up for all ages on Monday the 2nd. He will also visit the elementary school. Maribel one of the Grant County Library staff members will talk to the elementary students about Summer Reading Program. They will also have school tours coming to the library where Sponge Bob will make another surprise appearance.
Grant County Library has created a Bingo card for several years for adults. This year they have added a Facebook link to the paper card option.
May Kansas Library Association Advocacy Calendar Idea
“Once the Kansas Legislature adjourns, invite your legislators or city officials to read during story time or participate in a Summer Reading Program event in June or July.”
New PSA’s for Oceans of Possibilities Summer Library Program
The Collaborative Summer Library Program has produced two new PSA’s for libraries to use as PR pieces on their website or Facebook Page. Below are the two versions that are available for 2022.
A Letter from Kansas’ CLSP State Representative
Each of your library’s are gearing up for the Summer Library Program. To help with that Sandy Wilkerson, Consultant of the North Central Library System and CLSP State Representative, has gathered several resources that you can use for the Summer:
“Hello Summer Library Program Planners!
Over the past months we’ve shared many emails with updates on CSLP & Oceans of Possibilities supports, so I wanted to compile the majority here for you all in 1 email as we enter the summer season. Please feel to reach out to me with any questions, ideas, or if your library has created materials to share with other libraries.
Sandy Wilkerson, CSLP State Rep for Kansas.
Manual & Artwork
The CSLP online code for the manual and the artwork was sent to library directors in fall 2021, if you missed that, contact me directly to request the code. (swilkerson@nckls.org)
CSLP provides tutorials for accessing materials. There are also additional materials being added to the online manual weekly, so be sure to check back in with the manual even after you download and/or print it. The store is also still open, for any last-minute programming supplies and incentives: https://shop.cslpreads.org/.
CSLP Social Media Toolkit
Need some summer social media inspo? Check out the 2022 CSLP Social Media Toolkit: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1X_TjdbTTW043wMeL_GCnls8NqoeRqwf-?usp=sharing
You will find #OceansOfPossibilities, including plug and play posts, graphics, font suggestions, virtual meeting background, social media cover photos and more in one convenient spot. And remember, the Toolkit is a living document, with more posts added all year round!
Don’t forget to follow CSLP on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram: @CSLPreads. You can also join the 2 official Facebook groups from the CSLP page.
Full PSA English Youtube link: https://youtu.be/tJTLHas_erE
Full PSA Spanish Youtube link: https://youtu.be/0DjbTp-HFgQ
The “base” files are available for your libraries to add their own logo or text if this is something they are interested in doing. These files can be found in the Online Manual.
Additional Programming Ideas, Resources, & Supports
CSLP’s Summer Symposium recordings & slides: https://www.cslpreads.org/summer-symposium-2021/.
Oceans of Possibilities with the Detroit Zoo webinar from the Library of Michigan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVH5I43c_1Y plus resources: https://bit.ly/Oceans_Zoo.
Water, Water Everywhere – Michigan Learning Channel/PBS webinar from the Library of Michigan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQVOd7ubBQE plus resources: https://www.michiganlearning.org/resource/oceans-of-possibilities-at-your-library/.
World Oceans Day (June 8): https://worldoceanday.org/.
Summer Food Service Program – No Kid Hungry: https://www.cslpreads.org/libraries-and-summer-food/.
CSLP Inclusion Webinar Recordings: https://www.cslpreads.org/inclusion-resources/.
NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries
In celebration of this year’s Oceans of Possibilities the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries is excited to share ocean resources to get patrons excited about the ocean. Use their five Virtual Reality videos to further immerse patrons into their national marine sanctuaries. These 3-5 minute interactive videos can be viewed on a screen, computer, projector or tablet (or paired with a VR headset) and by scrolling, you can turn to see different viewpoints of the video creating a different experience each time. Use the fact sheets and drawing sheets that accompany each video to have additional fun facts to share with the audience. Or share one of our handouts on ocean animals such as coloring sheets and dot to dot activities paired with an ocean themed book. If you are interested in more free activities, videos, or photos visit their education web page, including the Ocean Guardian Activity Book. Continue exploring the “ocean of possibilities” through our diverse selection of other resources with lesson plans, activities, videos and more.
Sign-up to join the monthly CSLP Newsletter to be sent directly to your inbox.
CSLP Partners
Feel free to check out the materials and supports from official CSLP Partners: https://www.cslpreads.org/our-partners/.
Listening sessions coming up for the 2025 program year!
May listening session – Slogans
We encourage everyone to join and speak as they feel comfortable. During and after the sessions we will have resources available for you to share your input on a provided google document. This is a chance for you to contribute and have your voice heard in creating the final list of slogans that will be voted on in August at the Annual CSLP Meeting!
There is no need to register for the sessions – just find the one that works best with your schedule.
May 9th Slogan Listening Session – May 9, 2022 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) 1 hour
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83979416865?pwd=V1lhOSt3SGJQby9GWU1wQUJiY0gyZz09
Meeting ID: 839 7941 6865
Passcode: 902503
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kCmZFfz3Z
May 11th Slogan Listening Session – May 11, 2022 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) 1 hour
Join Zoom Meeting – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82984385259?pwd=R1RTR2ZRWEl0TmVPS3NoMWl2NmZSdz09
Meeting ID: 829 8438 5259
Passcode: 367013
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcjMBA917a
myLibro Session Scheduled
If you are interested in the myLibro App (Connects to Verso through a cell phone app) there is a demo/discussion session scheduled for next Friday, May 6, at 10:30 am Central Time. You can attend the session through this Zoom Link. Below is the YouTube video that discusses myLibro:
Cataloging, Collection Development, and ILL
Printing Books & Shortages
Publisher’s Weekly, V. 269 #12, 21 March 2022, p. 6:
“A Book Manufacturer’s Institute survey of members found hardcover printers were running at 85% of their capacity, while printers for softcover books were at 89%. Publishers have said it’s been hard to find press time for summer books.”
– Kelly’s advice? Pre-order and purchase your selections as far in advance as you can!
Dolly Parton & James Patterson Wrote a Book?!
CatExpress Usage Report, June 2021 – April 2022 / Link
*Scroll down to the bottom of this page to view the proposed changes to our subscription beginning July 1. Contact Kelly with ?s or concerns.
May 13, 2022 at 10AM CT / Link to Zoom
We have a directors’ meeting with Auto-Graphics and Mitinet to discuss the option to subscribe to BestMARC’s data services for original cataloging software and/or catalog enhancement options. For additional details, review the Board Meeting recording from 4/22 on the Wiki / Link
Directors: See email from Kelly on 4/26 to view BestMARC’s details. The link to your library’s diagnostic report was email to you last week.
Recording from the Train U.P.!- Ten Tech Topics

Organization Challenge Winners
I am so excited about how many people participated in the Organization Challenge. We had 114 names in the drawing on average 23 people participated every day of the challenge. I appreciate all the wonderful feedback thank you to everyone.
Haskell Township Library Reading Cards
Haskell Township Library’s new design for reading cards. It was fun working with Haskell on a new idea. If interested in ordering library cards contact Jody.