Future Dates & Training Opportunities
All times are in Central Standard Time (CST).
March 2, 2021 – The Train U.P.! (formerly the Directors Forum) Zoom! Into Super Children’s Programing at 2:00 pm, Zoom Link Here
March 5, 2021 – Reader Zone App Training for member libraries using this particular App will be at 10:00 am, Click this link: Zoom.com and enter the meeting ID: 473 615 3161
March 11, 2021 – After Lunch Course, Advocacy at 1:30 pm Registration Link
March 12, 2021 – E-Rate Basics at 2:00 pm Zoom Link
March 18, 2021 – Summer Library (Reading) Program, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Registration Link
March 19, 2021 – Full Board Meeting Registration Link
March 26, 2021 – New Accreditation Walk-Through at 2:00 pm Zoom Link Here
March 31 at 11:00 AM – SWKLS U.P.! in LARGE PRINT: an inside look at large print subscription options from Thorndike, Center Point, Doubleday, and more. This will be a recorded Zoom training session hosted by Laurie P. (Ness City), Lori (DCPL), and Kelly (SWKLS) – Registration link coming soon!
April 28th at 2:00 PM – Make a splash with your VERSO splash! Training with AG’s Splash Page Master, Jessi Culey. Registration link coming soon.

Summer Library (Reading) Program:
The Summer Library (Reading) Program Workshop has been scheduled for March 18 from 9:30 am – 12:30 pm CT. Tammie Benham, Youth Consultant of SEKLS, will be going through the manual and exploring options for planning along the way. Registration Link for Summer Library (Reading) Program.
The main presenter will be Mindy Miller. Mindy is a Kansas native-and life-long bibliophile, Mindy Miller is a school library director and children’s programming practitioner. Mindy is a graduate of Washburn University with a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Media/Public Relations. She also received a Juris Doctorate from Washburn Law School and is a former corporate lawyer. in 2014 she entered the professional library world and has tackled everything from summer library and story times to YA programming.
Member Accreditation and Walk-Through
The new form is available on the System’s website it directors would like to start working on the accreditation application. The application is due October 31, 2021 (Accreditation Main Page on the System’s website). A walk-through of the new Accreditation form for anyone that wishes to join in will be March 26, at 2:00 pm, Zoom Link Here.
Remember as part of the accreditation Member Libraries need to send in their yearly proposed line item budget, the final line item budget from the previous year, and their insurance certificate if it has been renewed recently,
After-Lunch Courses

Throughout 2021, the Kansas Regional Library Systems are offering four free continuing education workshops on Zoom, for a series we are calling “after-lunch course”. Registration announcements will be posted to Kan-Lib, and to the regional system’s website: systems.mykansaslibrary.org.
The registration Links for After-Lunch Courses
Registration for Advocacy with Jamie LaRue – March 11 at 1:30 pm CT
Cataloging, Collection Development, and ILL
Weeding Update: New Leaf Pick-ups
New Leaf will be coming to several SWKLS locations in April. Below, you will find the pick-up “hubs” and the windows of time these libraries will accept your weeded items. If you need help delivering your items to these libraries, please let the SWKLS Office know ASAP.
For New Leaf’s pick-up on April 14th, these libraries will accept your weeded items:
- DCPL: 4/5 – 4/13 @ children’s entrance, lower level. *Note: DCPL will not be able to accept your items during the last hour of the day as staff will be busy with closing procedures. Email Director Lori J. lorij@dcpl.info
- Haskell Township: 4/5 – 4/13. Email Director Sara K. haskelllib@gmail.com
- Ness City: 4/1 – 4/13. Email Director Laurie P. director@nesscitylibrary.org
For New Leaf’s pick-up on April 21st, these libraries will accept your weeded items:
- Plains: 4/12 – 4/20. Email Director Sara M. smunn@plainslibrary.info
- Ashland: Email Director Cara V. ashlib@ashlandlibrary.info
Free Books!
The SWKLS Office received a box of ARCs (advanced reader copies) from Sourcebooks. ARCs are pre-published, almost-complete versions of new books that are distributed to readers, such as professional reviewers, booksellers, and librarians; they are not to be sold or cataloged. But, any library staff member is welcome to enjoy reading them! To obtain these adult ARCs, email Tandy tritchhartswkls.org
Continuing Education (CE) Tracker
A generic CE tracker has been created and is now available to download from our Wiki. Any library staff member is welcome to use this document and turn it in to Richard at the end of the year. / Link
Social media can be an essential piece in your library’s communications toolkit, especially if your building is closed or has limited in-person services. It is not only a promotion tool, but also a way to entertain and engage with followers.Tiffany Breyne, Communications Coordinator at Skokie Public Library (IL), shares practical tips on how to crowd-source content from staff and followers, tools to make social posts easier to plan ahead, which platforms are less (or more) time consuming, and how to promote advisory and librarian expertise online.