System Spotlight
By Christopher Dressler
Morton Co. Public Library
The technology guru’s from the system office traveled to Morton Co. Public Library to configure and test VR headsets for the community of Elkhart on Tuesday. Patrons will be able to ride a roller coaster and play the popular game Beat Saber. Chris also demonstrated the drawing robot Artie to staff.

New Carpet @ Greeley Co. Library
By Rhonna Schmidt
The Greeley County Library has gone through a transformation. We have been excited to have received multiple grants that helped us to update the library’s lighting, replace old carpet, and purchase mobile book units. We started this project on January 20th and finished on March 24th . We want to thank the IT staff at SWKLS for all their wonderful assistance and willingness to come to Tribune on multiple
occasions. We couldn’t have done this without your help. Thanks guys.

Future Dates & Training Opportunities
April 4, 2023, 2:00 pm – Train UP “Windows 11 Intro”- Registration Link/Zoom Link
April 11, 2023, 7:00 pm – “Words for War” at the Kinsley Public Library
April 21, 2023, 10:00 am – SWKLS Hybrid Board Meeting at Dodge City Public Library
May 5, 2023, 10:00 am – #TrendyLibrarian – Registration Link
By Richard Brookman

“Words for War” Poetry Reading at Kinsley Public Library
On Tuesday, April 11, at 7:00 pm, Joan Weaver and the Kinsley Public Library has scheduled an very topical event “Words for War: New Poems from Ukraine”. April is National Poetry Month and the program Joan has developed gives voice to the people of Ukraine.
The library is inviting anyone that would like to attend for a reading of poems that have come from Ukraine since the invasion of Russia. The program will be led by Dr. Galen Boehme and the poetry read by the Kinsley community.
Lyuba Curtis will be joining the discussion for a personable viewpoint having grown up in Kremenchuk, in central Ukraine and lived most of her life in Kiev, Ukraine’s Capital. She know lives in Kinsley with her husband, the City Manager for Kinsley.
If you would like more details you can contact Joan at the library at 620-659-3341 or
You are welcome to share this flyer and information with your community.
April Train UP: Windows 11 Intro
April’s Train UP will be on April 4, beginning at 2:00 pm. The Train UP is being conducted by our Tech Department this month. An Intro to Windows 11 is the topic to get everyone started thinking about the upgrade to come for your library’s computers.
If you are interested please follow this link to register and to attend the meeting you will use this Zoom link.
Cataloging, Collection Development, and ILL
By Sara Wilson
Collection Development Inspiration
New Resources for You!
This new bilingual StoryWalk® is now available!

Materials Replacement Fund
If a book that you borrow is lost or not returned by your patron, you are eligible to apply for the Materials Replacement Fund through SEKLS.
The materials replacement fund does not cover bulk loans and there is a minimum claim of $5. Libraries using the Materials Replacement Fund can do so up to 8 times per calendar year. If you think your library will need to use it more than that, you’ll need to carefully consider which lost items are worth submitting a claim for vs. reimbursing the lender directly.
Here is the process for submitting an application for materials replacement, from the SEKLS website:
1. Contact the lending library to let them know you’re trying to retrieve the lost item. Be sure to keep the lending library informed throughout the process. As you try to recover the missing item, follow the steps outlined on the claims form. Give it your best shot. Most of the time, these steps will work.
2. Use your library’s policy to determine when the item is considered lost. If your efforts to retrieve the item are unsuccessful and you have written off the item as lost, submit the claim form. Please wait at least two months beyond the due date before filing a claim, but claims must be filed within one year of the due date.
3. Since the MRF reimburses the replacement cost, some verification (such as an invoice from the lender, a printout from, or other evidence of the item’s replacement cost) must be submitted along with the completed form.
4. If the item was returned by Kansas Library Express, contact Caroline Handwork at If the material was sent or returned via a delivery method with a tracking mechanism (such as UPS, FedEx, or the COKAMO courier), please submit a tracking request and apply for reimbursement through that service before turning to the MRF.Remember, before submitting a claim, do your best to get the item back. And to sustain your library’s good standing as a responsible ILL participant, keep the lender informed throughout the process.
In Case You Missed It
For ILLers: Sharing About SHAREit & New Courier Shipping Labels
From Deborah Hensler, SHAREit Product Manager:
Hello, SHAREit Users
The next Sharing about SHAREit Q&A is scheduled for Wednesday April 19, 2023 at 1pm.
The topic for April’s webinar is ILL Statistics.
Registration is open at:
As usual, there’s space on the registration form to ask questions in advance, and we try to answer as many as possible that are asked during the session.
From Caroline Handwork:
Olathe Public Library/KS122 has new courier shipping labels with a new address. The correct shipping labels for Olathe Public Library/KS122 moving forward will have the following address:
Olathe Public Library
260 E Santa Fe
Olathe, KS 66061
Please pull and discard any old labels you might have for them. Please download the new set of courier shipping labels found here,
by Christopher Dressler
Lets Not Go Phishing
Phishing is a technique (through email) that cybercriminals use to gain access to personal, private, or sensitive information like bank accounts, credit cards, browser histories, or a total remote takeover of your computer. This includes access to your social media accounts and may even create mirror/copies of them. The goal is to identify a phishing email before you fall victim to the crime. Most of these cybercriminals go unpunished for these crimes.
7 Signs of a Phishing Email
- Generic Greeting – “Dear Sir/Maam”, “Dear, (your email address)”
- From an unofficial(fake) email address
- A request for information like a personal information or simply a reply to the email.
- Buttons to click
- Attachments. Usually malware.
- Links to other websites.
- Spelling and grammar mistakes.
For one example in the images to the left, the email account it was sent from (noreply@coin…) and the actual address (bakarjadejumoxdrew@…) which do not match and therefore is not trustworthy. Based off of that bit of information (let alone the generics, the attachment with a strange name, and the poor grammar) I would delete this email immediately.
As always, if you have specific needs for a video or an in-person training, please feel free to reach out via phone or email.