Future Dates & Training Opportunities
All times are in Central Standard Time (CST).
August 3, 2021, 2PM – Train U.P.! Registration Link
August 6, 2021, 9 am – Frist Friday with Friends/Zoom Link
August 20, 2021, 10 am-Full Board Meeting Hybrid -August-RNR Hearing and 2022 Budget Hearing/Registration Link– Please note there will be an option to attend through zoom or in-person as well as the option to eat lunch.
September 1 at Haskell Township Library – Very Merry VERSO Launch
– Next volunteers: Ransom, Meadowlark, and Fowler
September 7, 2021, 2PM – Train U.P.! (topic TBD)
September 24 at Gray County Fairgrounds – Tech Day+ 2021
October 1, 2021, Virtual Tech Day+ 2021
October 5, 2021, 2PM – Train U.P.! (topic TBD)
October 20-23, 2021 Association for Rural & Small Libraries / Registration Link
October 27-29, 2021 – Kansas Library Association Conference (Wichita) / Information Page
November 2, 2021, 2PM – Train U.P.! (topic TBD)
December 10, 2021 – 2nd Annual Crafting Your Collection 2021

First Friday with Friends
The next session of First Friday with Friends will be August 6, at 9:00 am CT / 8:00 am MT. Join in with other librarians and staff for a discussion on “Who is on Fire: Preventing Burnout”. See the above calendar for the Zoom Link.
Contracts Reminder
This is for contracting libraries that have membership with SWKLS. If you haven’t already done so please turn in your signed contracts for 2022 via Tandy’s email. If you have any questions please call or e-mail Tandy. Thank you.
SWKLS Representative Reminder
This is for all of SWKLS membership. If you haven’t done so, please return you System board representatives form via Tandy’s email. If you have any questions you can call or e-mail Tandy here at the office. Thank you.
Cataloging, Collection Development, and ILL
Copy-Cataloging Map
Catalogers may find this document helpful when VERSO does not have a record to copy from, and it includes information about CatExpress. / Link
Details about the SWKLS Costume Collection are available in the bibliographic records in VERSO and on the Wiki. / Link
How Secure are Smart Speaker?

Smart Speakers, Virtual Assistants, and Voice Command Devices go by many names but many people have wondered how secure are they. Know4Be.com has a 5-minute video on why you shouldn’t have them in the workplace. Click here to log in and, to view the video go to your Training and choose “Restricted Intelligence Season 7: Ep 01 – Not So Smart (Virtual Assistants)”. If you are unable to access the video please contact Jody at jhattrup@swkls.org to add you to Know4Be.com. Remember these videos count for C.E. Credits.
VERSO Update
A recent update to the Chromium open-source browser project has caused issue in both VERSO and SHAREit where certain operations cannot be completed. This is affecting both the Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge web browsers as they share the common Chromium codebase. We have implemented a temporary workaround to most staff computers system-wide, but if you are experiencing issues please call the SWKLS office for assistance.
System Spotlight
System Spotlight
If you would like to highlight your library, we’d like to hear from you. Whether it’s about your activities, programs or anything else that is going on that you’re proud of we can hold a spotlight on your library here in the Weekly Wrap UP if you email Jody at jhattrup@swkls.org