Future Dates & Training Opportunities
All times are in Central Standard Time (CST).
June 21 – September 16, 2021 – American Library Association Libraries Transforming Communities / Information Page
June 29, 2021 – Emergency Connectivity Fund Application Open
July 1, 2021 – SWKLS CatExpress renewal year begins today and ends June 30, 2022.
July 5, 2021 – SWKLS office will be closed.
August 3, 2021, 2PM – Train U.P.! (See below for details.)
September 1 at Haskell Township Library – Very Merry VERSO Launch
September 7, 2021, 2PM – Train U.P.! (topic TBD)
September 24 at Gray County Fairgrounds – Tech Day+ 2021
October 5, 2021, 2PM – Train U.P.! (topic TBD)
October 27-29, 2021 – Kansas Library Association Conference (Wichita) / Information Page
November 2, 2021, 2PM – Train U.P.! (topic TBD)
Kansas Notable Books Grant
The State Library of Kansas is committed to promoting literacy, lifelong learning, and access to library materials throughout the state. To that end, the State Library of Kansas, funded through an Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Grant, is announcing a non-competitive grant opportunity for libraries in Kansas to purchase books from the 2021 Kansas Notable Books list.
2021 KS Notable Book list- Each participating Kansas library will be reimbursed for the purchase of a single copy, in any format, of any or all of the books on the 2021 Kansas Notable Books list. Only the actual cost of the book will be reimbursed with grant funds. Any shipping costs, sales tax and/or protective book covers are the responsibility of individual recipient library. Grant information for 2021, including the application and checklist, is available at www.kslib.info/2021knb. All Kansas Notable Book lists can be found at http://kslib.info/notablebooks.
Tumble Books is Officially Back
Andy Schafer, Digital Collections Librarian for Kansas State Library, has officially sent out notice that the State of Kansas Library has reacquired TumbleBooks.
The State Library has recently acquired access to TumbleBooks, which is eligible for classroom use. The TumbleBooks platform provides content such as picture books, chapter books, learning games and more to support understanding of the material. Along with TumbleBooks, the State Library also provides access to other digital book platforms and databases applicable to classroom use as well as pleasure reading and entertainment. Our plethora of online resources covers several content areas and spans multiple ages/grades from pre-K to adult. To access these resources, you can visit our website or view the attached document for an abbreviated version of our offerings (all images are linked to resources). Most of these resources can be accessed on any public computer or personal device if you have a Kansas internet provider, otherwise, you can visit your local public or school librarian to register for a “Kansas Library eCard”.
Included you will find the above-mentioned document along with a brochure and instruction on how to issue “Kansas Library eCards“. If you do not know your Administrative Login Credentials to issue cards you can request them here.
Cataloging, Collection Development, and ILL
May 2020 – 0 June 2020 – 4
May 2021 – 14 June 2021 – 26
Thank you, Ness City!
Thank you for donating these beautiful StoryWalks to the collection! Check out is limited to SWKLS members until August 1st. Note: The pages of these titles were mounted on large sheets of paper, and each page is approximately 15″ tall by 23″ wide. They are beautiful! Descriptive information is located in each kit’s bibliographic record, particularly in fields 300 and 500.
Thank you, Protection!
Update to New Leaf pick-up locations:
– October 13: DCPL, Ness City, Haskell Township
– October 20: Ashland, Plains, Protection
Now is a great time to plan your weeding projects in the fall. We have a SWKLS U.P.! calendar available on our Wiki with suggested weeding goals. Scroll down to the see each month, then take a look at the column labeled “ILS”. / Link
Re-U.P., Train U.P.!
Train U.P.! will commence on August 3rd at 2PM with, “Build a StoryWalk! Grant Opportunities for Southwest Kansas”. We have the privilege of hosting several guest speakers, including the Executive Director of the Community Foundation of Southwest Kansas, Mr. Pat Hamit. Additionally, Kelly Askew will join us; she the Kiowa County Library Director. A grant from the local community foundation enabled the construction of a StoryWalk in Kiowa County. Registration for this even is open! / Link
The StoryWalk® Project was created by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, VT and developed in collaboration with the Kellogg-Hubbard Library. StoryWalk® is a registered service mark owned by Ms. Ferguson. StoryWalks are being built all over North America, and we are pleased to see so many of our libraries participating in this project. Let the Summer of StoryWalks Begin! The most recent newsletter from the above non-profit organization is available, and there is much to celebrate! / Link
Experiencing Problems with Cover Art?
If you are experiencing a problem or delay with the automatic addition of cover art, please let me know! Email the ISBN or title/author to Kelly, and it will be forwarded to Auto-Graphics. Thank you!
System Spotlight
System Spotlight
If you would like to highlight your library, we’d like to hear from you. Whether it’s about your activities, programs or anything else that is going on that you’re proud of we can hold a spotlight on your library here in the Weekly Wrap UP if you email Jody at jhattrup@swkls.org
SWKLS Summer Socials
The Minion Made Its First Appearance

Jetmore Public Library had a photo booth for their summer reading program and the Minion came to join in the fun!! If interested in borrowing a costume for your library contact Richard or Tandy.