Future Dates & Training Opportunities
July 4th, 2022- SWKLS Office -Closed
July 7th, 2022, 2:00 pm CT – Engaging Adults with Low Literacy Levels Webinar/Registration Link
July 12, 2022, 10:00 am CT – Talks with Ted/Registration Link
August 2, 2022, 2PM CT – DEI Train U.P. with Kelly, re: title challenges, policies, procedures
September 8, 2022 – After Lunch Course “Cultural Humility”
September 14 -17, 2022 – ARSL Conference in Chattanooga, TN/Registration Link
October 4, 2022, at 2PM CT – DEI Train U.P.! with Paola Varela-Tena (Hamilton Co. Library) and Christina Cotton (Baker & Taylor), re: collection development and censorship.
October 26-28, 2022 – KLA Conference in Wichita
November 4, 2022 – Tentative date for our 3rd annual “Crafting Your Collection” – This cataloging workshop will be 100% online.
December 8, 2022 – After Lunch Course “Lead From Where You Are”
System Spotlight
By Jody Hattrup
Cimarron City Library
Ashland City Library
By Richard Brookman
ARSL 2022 Conference Registration Open
The 2022 Association for Rural & Small Libraries Conference, Connecting at the Crossroads, is open for early bird registration. This year it will be held in Chattanooga, Tennessee, September 14 – 17. The early bird registration will be open through July 26. Here is the conference’s webpage to find out more information about the conference. If you like what you see or know you want to go already you can register through this link. The pricing for early bird registration is:
In-Person Early Bird Pricing
ARSL Members: $275
Nonmembers: $350
Advocates, Students, & Retirees*: $225
Virtual-Only Pricing
ARSL Members: $50
Nonmembers: $75
Advocates, Students, & Retirees*: $25
*Must be an ARSL Advocate, Student, or Retiree member.
Other important dates are:
Registration – July 26, 2022 – Early bird in-person registration closes and regular in-person registration opens; and
Conference Hotels – August 16, 2022 – Booking deadline for all conference hotels.
Slogan for 2023 Summer Library Program
I know several of you are right in the middle of your Summer Library Program or just about to finish up and are ready for a break. However, I just thought with Summer Library Programming on your library’s brain I would mention next Summer’s Slogan and Theme: All Together Now/Todos Juntos Ahora; and “Kindness/Friendship/Unity”.
July’s Talks with Ted
The next “Talks with Ted” session will be on July 12, 2022, at 10:00 am Central Time. If you would like to join the session you can register through this link. If you have a question you would like to submit before July 12, for Ted to talk about you can submit your question through this link. If you attend this session remember to send me an email so your CE File can be updated for you and your library.
2022 Kansas Reads to Preschoolers “Not a Box” Order Form Available
The State Library of Kansas released information on how a library can order Not a Box title by Antoinette Portis, for this year’s Kansas Reads to Preschoolers program. The order form is through Scholastic’s Literacy Partnership Program and is available through this link. Once you navigate to this page you will need to go to the bottom of the page and click the second tab labeled “Ordering and Read Alikes”.
If you don’t have an account with Scholastic’s Literacy Partnership Program information and an email is available for you to contact Scholastic to begin an account. This page also has the link to the order form that your library can download and fill out to order your desired number of copies of the title.
Cataloging, Collection Development, and ILL
By Kelly Easton
Hanston City Library would like to purchase a small used book cart. Contact Director Amy Halling for details: hclibrary7@gmail.com
Thank you!
SWKLS Top Ten VERSO Searches! (June 2021 – June 2022)
- Nora Roberts
- Colleen Hoover
- Iris Johansen
- James Patterson
- Danielle Steel
- Fern Michaels
- Sandra Brown
- Zane Grey
- David Rosenfelt
- John Grisham
- Cats
- Juvenile
- ZZZbriefbib [Makes Kelly so happy!]
- Ocean
- Birds
- Bipolar disorder
- Yellowstone
- Christmas
- Kansas
- Thomas the Tank Engine
- Hotspot [a.k.a. MiFi unit]
- Where the Crawdads Sing
- The Last Thing He Told Me
- Wings of Fire
- Run Rose Run
- Pete’s Dragon
- 22 Seconds
- The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
- Harry Potter
- People
- Good Housekeeping
- Consumer Reports
- Reader’s Digest
- Midwest Living
- Better Homes & Gardens
- Highlights
- National Review
In the news…
Link to article
By Jody Hattrup
Caution Alert!!!
Many members of SWKLS have received letters and emails that appear to be legitimate invoices and / or alerts to take some form of action. We have been contacted by several members who have received letters in the mail for what appears to be domain name renewals but are in fact an attempt to sign the recipient up for search engine optimization services. If you receive a letter in the mail similar to the one below, please know that the SWKLS Tech Department takes care of all domain name renewals and invoices.
Another recent example of misleading emails concerns the SAM.gov accounts. Our office received an email asking for validation and immediate attention for our System for Award Management (SAM) account, but was in fact a third party consulting company attempting to engage us for their services. Please do not take any kind of action without being certain who the sender is! SWKLS staff are here to help you determine if these letters and emails are legitimate.
If you get a letter in the mail similar to the one above, please know that the SWKLS office takes care of all domain name renewal
correspondence and invoices.