Future Dates & Training Opportunities
All times are in Central Standard Time (CST)
December 7, 2021 – Train U.P. @ 2:00 PM – The Basics of DEI (diversity, equity, & inclusion)/ Registration Link
December 9, 2021, at 1:30 pm – After-Lunch Course with Jamie LaRue: HR Management/Registration Link
December 10, 2021 – 2nd Annual Crafting Your Collection 2021 at the G.C. Zoo
December 14, 2021 at 12:00 pm CT – Steven Sheinkin Author Visit and Codebreaking Workshop/Registration Link
December 16, 2021 at 1:00 pm CT – PLA Webinar “Tackling Racism and Bias in the Library Catalog/Registration Link
December 17, 2021 – SWKLS Full Board Meeting Online Only/Registration Link
December 23-27, 2021 SWKLS office is Closed
March 4, 2022 – Summer (Reading) Library Program Workshop
Winner of the Fall Trivia is Heather Thompson (Haston City Library) & Stacey Strickland (Stevens County Library)!!
Full Board Meeting
The next Full Board Meeting will be held on December 17, 2021. It is a On-line meeting and will begin at 10:00 am CT. Please register here for the meeting.
2022 Summer (Reading) Library Program Workshop
We have a date for the 2022 Summer (Reading) Library Program Workshop. It will be on March 4, 2022. The System office is still working on a location for the workshop. Once that is secured the office will provide a registration link here through Eventbrite.
Our presenters will be Patty Collins and Diane Bott, the Youth Consultants from Central Kansas Library System. Currently we plan for an in-person training, but with everything plans could change and it move to a virtual session. We haven’t had Patty and Diane out to Southwest Kansas for a couple of years. I thought with all the newer directors and the fun atmosphere that Patty and Diane bring to their workshops that this would be a nice time for everyone to come together and share ideas and network.

Author Visit and Codebreaking Workshop Webinar
Here’s an event that you can register you library for and offer it to your patrons as a program. As the banner states Steve Sheinkin will be doing an author visit and codebreaking workshop for any that would like to attend. It is on December 14 at 12:00 pm CT and 11:00 am MT. If your schools are already out during this week for the holiday break this could be something for you to offer them.
This looks to be a free session and the email states that by registering you will receive and email after the workshop of the recording that you could view on demand. So if December 14 does work for your patrons you could schedule a time for your patrons to just watch the recording. You can register your library through this link.
December 16 – Free PLA Webinar
Tackling Racism and Bias in the Library Catalog is a free webinar sponsored by the Public Library Association.
The Brooklyn Public Library, New York Public Library, and BookOps joined together to replace and maintain less offensive terminology with the Systems’ catalogs. This webinar will share resources for libraries looking to make and maintain local revisions to subject headings, learn technical procedures & guidance, tips for getting buy-in at your library from leadership, and how to engage patrons and others around these changes, no matter the size of your library.
Registration is now open for this webinar through this link.
Bill Clifford is new Kansas House Representative
Bill Clifford has been appointed as the new Kansas House Representative for District 122. He is filling the seat for the remainder of Representative Russ Jennings term because of Rep. Jennings passing. This effects libraries in Kearny, Hamilton, and Greeley Counties, the majority of Finney County and part of Grant and Haskell Counties.
Cataloging, Collection Development, and ILL
Magazines in 2022
If you need help cataloging 2022’s magazines, let Kelly know. It is a SWKLS custom to add [a VERSO code + the year] next to the magazine’s title, such as: Pioneer Woman [SWKLS 2022]. This is a helpful edit, but it is not required. I’m happy to help you with whatever you prefer.
If you get a letter in the mail similar to the one below, please know that this is a scam. All domain name renewal correspondence and invoices will come from the SWKLS office.
Google Will Auto-Enroll 150 Million Accounts into 2SV
Google has announced that they will automatically enroll 150 million Google user accounts into 2SV (two-step verification) before year’s end. See their article here: https://blog.google/technology/safety-security/making-sign-safer-and-more-convenient/

State Library of Kansas Resource Guide
If you find it difficult to navigate through the State Library of Kansas website the following Google Slides might be a good resource for you and your staff. This document provides many of the free platforms the state promotes with training and promotional materials. Click here for the Google Slides
System Spotlight
System Spotlight
If you would like to highlight your library, we’d like to hear from you. Whether it’s about your activities, programs or anything else that is going on that you’re proud of we can hold a spotlight on your library here in the Weekly Wrap UP if you email Jody at jhattrup@swkls.org
Holiday Tables in Scott City Library
Library Director becomes a Pilgrim for a Day
Pilgrim Mary Bartlett (aka, Kinsley Library Director Joan Weaver) visited with the elementary school classes of USD 347 Kinsley-Offerle Schools on Wednesday. The school gym served as a great visual for the size of the Mayflower, 25’ X 100’, or one-fourth of the basketball court. Mary told of her wedding day in 1625 and then shared a little of what a pilgrim lady’s life was like including the spinning of flax and wool and the growing of herbs. The children helped her make up a bed with a feather tick, linen sheet, handwoven wool blanket and coverlet.