Future Dates & Training Opportunities
December 6, 2022, 2:00 pm CST – Train U.P.: DEI Policies and Procedures with Casandra Norin/Registration Link/Zoom Link
December 7 & 8, both afternoons – 2022 Rural Library Network E-Summit/Registration Link
December 8, 2022, 10:00 am – CSLP’s Virtual Summer Symposium/Registration Link
December 8, 2022 – After Lunch Course “Lead From Where You Are”/Registration Link
December 9, 2022, 10:00 am – State Library of Kansas Board Meeting
December 13, 2022, 10:00 am – Auto-Graphics Talks with Ted/Registration Link
December 16, 2022, 10:00 am – SWKLS Board Meeting (Online Only)/Registration Link
By Richard Brookman

December Train UP! DEI Policy and Procedure
In this work shop Casandra Norin, Director of Seward County Community College Library, will provide information on what a library should consider when developing a Diversity/Inclusivity Policy and Procedure.
Join her Tuesday, December 6, at 2:00 pm CT through the System’s Zoom room to participate in this discussion. You can register through this link.
Zoom Link: https://kslib.zoom.us/j/92391825887
System Board Meeting December 16
The December System Board meeting will be held on Friday the 16 at 10:00 am CT. This meeting is an on-line meeting only. Please register for the meeting at this link. The Zoom link will be sent out next week with the agenda and it will also be in next week’s Weekly Wrap UP.

I Love My Kansas Library
Shelly O’Brien is coordinating the new Kansas Library Public Relations Campaign called “I Love My Kansas Library”. This campaign is to get the word out about how Kansas libraries uplift our communities. They want everyone from decision-makers, parents, and those who might not have been in a library for years to become aware of the positivity that libraries bring to their communities.
Part of this effort to spotlight Kansas libraries is the creation of the website for “I Love My Kansas Library”. The website just went live at the first of December and you can now visit it through this link.
Shelly is asking that each library share the word about the website. If you can place the link to the “I Love My Kansas Library” on your library’s website, mention the site through your Facebook account and other possible social media outlets it would be appreciated. They are also working on setting up “I Love My Kansas Library” social media accounts, with Instagram being the first created. They will send out more information as additional social media accounts are established.
The site is meant to be a place where you can share your stories about your library and how it interacts with the community. Shelly would enjoy placing your stories on the website by sending them to her through her email – sobrien@nekls.org
December Talks with Ted
The next Talks with Ted from Auto-Graphics is scheduled for Tuesday December 13 at 10:00 am CT. These sessions are made available for librarians to ask Ted questions about the VERSO ILS system. You can send in questions ahead of time to give Ted time to research an answer if needed. To submit a question you will need to do so with this form.
To register for this month’s Talks with Ted follow this link.

2022 Rural Library Network E-Summit
On the afternoons of December 7 and 8 an invitation has been sent out for librarians to attend the 2022 Rural Library Network E-Summit. “The Library Summit is a prominent event for practitioners addressing educational and health disparities and complements the work of other rural and small library organizations by driving resources to rural libraries.”
Some of the programs you will be able to chose from are: “A Parent Nation: Partnering with Families to Support Children’s Learning”; “Rural Libraries as Anchors”; “Seeking Funding Through Grants and other Sources” (two-parter); “From Advocacy to Activism”; and “Let’s Talk About Teens”. This is set up in a conference style so you will have to chose which sessions you want to attend.
If you are interested in attending the Summit you can get more information and register through this link.
Cataloging, Collection Development, and ILL
By Sara Wilson
In literary news, this week . . .
Bob Dylan is Making Waves
Bob Dylan’s new book The Philosophy of Modern Song, that debuted November 1st, has been making waves across news outlets, from a recent controversy when fans realized that the autographed, special edition copies they’d purchased were not, in fact, hand-signed by the author to the recent comparisons between Dylan’s book and Quentin Tarantino’s Cinema Speculation, which also debuted around the same time. If you have Bob Dylan’s latest book, now would be a great time to put it on display!
Newly Cataloged Resources for You!
These are resources that SWKLS has had available to our member libraries, but we’ve recently cataloged them and want to remind you that they are available exclusively for SWKLS member libraries to checkout and demo! The are not available on ILL, so if you want to check them out, you’ll have to contact the SWKLS office. For more information, contact Steve Andrews by calling the office or emailing him at sandrews@swkls.org. Our checkout procedures for technology equipment can be found on our website. Coming soon: Checkout procedures for our newly minted SWKLS STEAM Collection.

For catalogers: Here is a list of RDA relationship designators for use in the 700 and 710 fields, subfield e. This comes in handy and would be a great one to add to favorites!
Don’t Forget to Update Your Calendars!
The end of the year is fast approaching and it’s a good time to update your calendars in Verso and in SHAREit to make sure that your library closings are reflected for the coming year.
In Verso, go to Staff Dashboard > Circ Admin > Circulation Parameters > Calendar Setup. Select 2023 from the Select Starting Year drop-down menu. Click on any dates that you want to indicate that the library will be closed. Click the Submit button in the upper right corner.
In SHAREit, go to Staff Dashboard > ILL Admin > Lender > Participant Record. Scroll down to Holiday List and fill out the start dates and end dates for when your library will be closed in the coming year. When finished, scroll up and click Submit in the upper right corner.
By: SWKLS Staff
New Computers, coming and going
We’re working on new computers as they come in slowly creating a computer warehouse in our office and scheduling trips as quickly as we can, making our way down the list, and adjusting your inventories as we go along to reflect any changes!
If you’re not sure where you stand on Windows 11 compatible computers in your library you can check your inventory at the following link:

E-Rate 2023-2024
Our E-rate consultant, Toby Sykes, has begun sending emails concerning the upcoming 2023-2024 E-rate cycle. As a reminder, I am copied on all of these emails so no need to forward anything from Toby to me. Please be sure to read these emails as some of our libraries will need to submit new Letters of Authorization for Toby to handle your filings. In a few cases your EPC portal primary administrator account may need to be updated with new Director information which will typically require contacting the EPC helpdesk. Instructions for all of this are contained within Toby’s email(s) if needed.
Toby usually sends out emails prior to the end of the year asking about any anticipated changes or purchases beforehand. The SWKLS tech team will begin reviewing Category One (Internet access) and Category Two (equipment) needs after the first of the year, and once we have a chance to review your library’s needs I’ll reach out to everyone.