Future Dates & Training Opportunities
All times are in Central Standard Time (CST).
August 17, 2021, Noon – Item barcode orders due to Kelly via email, please.
August 20, 2021, 10 am-Full Board Meeting Hybrid -August-RNR Hearing and 2022 Budget Hearing/Registration Link– Please note there will be an option to attend through zoom or in-person as well as the option to eat lunch. FYI-DCPL is requiring masks in the library as of July 29th, 2021.
September 1 at Haskell Township Library – Very Merry VERSO Launch
– Next volunteers: Ransom, Meadowlark, and Fowler
September 7, 2021, 2PM – Train U.P.! Cybersecurity/Website Checklist with Steve & Jody/ Registration Link
September 9, 2021, 1:30 pm – After-Lunch Course “Library Ethics”/Registration Link
September 24 at Gray County Fairgrounds – Tech Day+ 2021
October 1, 2021, Virtual Tech Day+ 2021
October 5, 2021, 2PM – Train U.P.! (topic TBD)
October 20-23, 2021 Association for Rural & Small Libraries / Registration Link
October 27-29, 2021 – Kansas Library Association Conference (Wichita) / Information Page
November 2, 2021, 2PM – Train U.P.! (topic TBD)
December 10, 2021 – 2nd Annual Crafting Your Collection 2021 at the G.C. Zoo
SWKLS Full Board Meeting
Just a reminder for everyone that the next Full Board meeting on August 20, 2021. I want to thank Lori Juhlin, Director, of Dodge City Public Library for hosting the meeting. We will begin at 10:00 am CT with the RNR hearing, Roll into the Budget hearing, and finally have the Board meeting. We look forward to see everyone that will be in-person for the board meeting and seeing those on Zoom that day.
Kansas Library Association 2021 Conference
The Kansas Library Association has posted the link to reserve your hotel for the upcoming 2021 conference in Wichita, October 27-29. This is the reservation link so you can get your room booked ahead of time. At this time the registration has not opened, but we it becomes available we will inform you of that link.
Tumble Books Update
Jeff Hixon, of the State Library, informed the State System Consultants that the planned workshop for Tumble Books has been postponed because of a family emergency. When they have a new date, for the training, he will let everyone know.
Accreditation Applications
October 31, the deadline for accreditation applications, is sneaking up on us. If you haven’t started working on your accreditation application you might consider doing so. As part of the application each library has to include an updated copy of your Technology Plan. The System Tech Team needs to read over and get any changes and updates back to you to put into the document. Once that portion is done then your local library board needs to approve the Plan and then send the signed approved Plan back to Steve.

After-Lunch Course
The next Zoom After-Lunch Course is September 9 at 1:30 pm CT. The topic is “Library Ethics” presented by Pat Wagner. Registration is now open if you are interested in attending. You can use the link here or above to register.
Cataloging, Collection Development, and ILL
Assigning Locations: Teen or Adult
These days, it is really hard to tell if a title should be located in YA or Adult Fiction; the line between them is difficult to define. To help our librarians make this decision, here is a list of resources. Special thanks to Amy Brucker, Phoebe Brummet, Sara Munn, and Eve Wayman for curating this list:
- Ingram’s ipage (must have an account to access) / Link
- Abdo Publishing / Link
- Scholastic / Link for Educators’ Store
- Goodreads / Link to YA Fic
- ALA’s YALSA / Link
- NoveList Plus Database (State Lib.) / Link
- Cloud Library App. (State Lib.) provides reading level descriptions for all ages, e-books and e-audio.
- Rules of thumb at DCPL: if the main character(s) are between 13-19, it’s usually classified as YA. We use the term “YA” rather than “Teens” because some of our patrons who are not 13-19 years old also like reading these materials, including adults.
Free stuff! To order, email tritchhart@swkls.org
Catalog Maintenance: How to fully remove items from VERSO / Link
Research: How to locate historic newspapers and genealogical records using the Kansas Historical Society / Link

Train U.P. ! Cybersecurity/Website Checklist
The month of October is Cybersecurity Month join us for Train U.P. on Tuesday, September 7, 2021 with Steve and Jody. Steve will present on how you can be prepared for Cybersecurity Month. Steve will inform you how to become a Cybersecurity Champion. Learn about all the free resources you have at your fingertips such as social media content. This knowledge will help you and your patrons to stay safe online. Jody will continue with the Website Checklist. This presentation will be a little reminder of what information needs to be on the library’s website as well as good practices and recommendations for layouts.
System Spotlight
System Spotlight
If you would like to highlight your library, we’d like to hear from you. Whether it’s about your activities, programs or anything else that is going on that you’re proud of we can hold a spotlight on your library here in the Weekly Wrap UP if you email Jody at jhattrup@swkls.org