SWKLS Board Slate of Officers and Committees

  • Chairperson: Tammy Dickey, Kearny County Library
  • 1st Vice Chair: Holly Mathes, Grant County Library
  • 2nd Vice Chair: Shelly Huelsman, Bucklin Public Library
  • Secretary: Suzie Boschman, Dudley Township Library
  • Treasurer: Sueann Sawyers, Protection Township Library
  • Ex-Officio: Laurie Petersilie, Ness City Public Library
  • Tandy Ritchhart (SWKLS), Recording Secretary

For more information click on the links below:

SWKLS Committees are governed by the Southwest Kansas Library System Bylaws, Article IX – Standing Committees.

  • Section 1.  Committees shall be appointed by the Executive Committee for yearly terms in the month following the election of officers.
  • Section 2.  Standing committees shall include:

Budget Planning Committee

A committee of eleven members shall be made up of five taxing county members and five contracting county members and one county appointee.  The committee members shall include representatives and from all types of libraries.  It shall be the duty of this committee to assist the Director in developing recommendations for new or revised service programs and developing budget recommendations for consideration by the Executive Board.  The Budget Committee may submit supplemental budget recommendations for the current or following budget years.  The System Director shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Budget Planning Committee and shall coordinate meetings, hearings, and correspondence of the committee.

Budget Planning Committee 

  1. Tammy Dickey, Kearny County Library, Chair
  2. Laurie Petersilie, Ness City Public Library
  3. Amy Brucker, Hamilton County Library
  4. Holly Mathes, Grant County Library
  5. Joan Weaver, Kinsley Public Library
  6. Audrey Flowers, Meade Public Library
  7. Shelly Huelsman, Bucklin Public Library
  8. Royce Kitts, Liberal Memorial Library
  9. Cara Vanderree, Ashland City Library
  10. Theresa Bach, Hodgeman County Appointee

Policy and Bylaws Committee

Composed of three to six-member library representatives and trustees including all types of library interest areas.  It shall annually review policies and by-laws for amendment and adoption by the Full System Board.

Policy and Bylaws Committee 

  1. Sara Koehn, Haskell Township Library, Chair
  2. Sueann Sawyers, Protection Township Library
  3. Rhonda Sieck, Scott County Library

Library Development Program Committee

Shall be composed of 6 to 10 member library representatives and trustees that include public library interests. It shall annually review criteria for Library Development Accreditation criteria for adoption by either the Full System or Executive Board by October of each year so the criteria are in place before a new calendar year.

Accreditation and Development Committee  

  1. Audrey Flowers, Meade Public Library, Chair
  2. Joan Weaver, Kinsley Public Library
  3. Jacque Sherrill, Jetmore Public Library
  4. Millie Deardon, Scott County Library
  5. Tammy Dickey, Kearny County Library
  6. Shannon McGregor, Montezuma Township

Nominating Committee

  1. Suzie Boschman, Dudley Township Library, Chair
  2. Jacque Sherrill, Jetmore Public Library
  3. Suzan Nelson, Kismet Public Library

Updated 2/11/2025