Contributions to the Weekly Wrap-up are from all SWKLS staff.
Activities and Training on the Calendar:
December 23-25, 31, & January 1 – Auto-Graphics will be closed. This email address is valid only for emergencies during the holidays to contact AG directly:
December 24 – 28, 2020 – SWKLS Office will be closed.
December 29 SWKLS Office will be back open.
January 1, 2021 – SWKLS Office will be closed.
January – 1st week: SWKLS Unity Project (SWKLS U.P.!) calendar will be distributed. Recordings of Auto-Grpahics Q&A Sessions 1-4 will become available on
January 5, 2021 – Directors Forum at 2:00 pm
January 6, 2021 – Rural Library Network Launch Registration
January 15, 2021 – Full Board Meeting (Online with Zoom) at 10:00 am
January 12, 2021 – SKLWS U.P. : How to digitize your ILL tracking system at 11:00 am – Open to all ILLers.
Rural Library Network:
Partners for Education at Berea College and Save the Children are also pleased to announce the creation of a Rural Library Network, a cradle to career initiative. Through the network participants will have access to online webinars offering training in core principles of place-based work and the opportunity to connect with practitioners working in rural communities across the country. Membership in the network is free. Simply register here. The first webinar will take place on January 6, 2021, featuring Jennifer Garner and Mark Shriver – we hope you’ll join us for this exciting conversation and invite others to join who might be interested!
Thanks to Colleen, Stanton County Library, for sharing this opportunity that you might want to take part in.
VERSO Housekeeping
- In VERSO’s advanced search, the resource labeled “One Click” provides a link to RBDigital, which now needs to be deleted. During the first week in January, Kelly will remove this option from the resources list for all SWKLS libraries.

- At the end of an item record in VERSO, there appears a long list of features, such as “more about this title”, “shelf browse”, “Good Reads reviews”, etc. These features are populated by an EBSCO web-based program called NoveList. Some libraries have expressed their desire to turn NoveList off. AG has assured us that this is possible. If your library no longer wishes to see these features at the bottom of a record, let Kelly know.
- If you have not already done so, please update your 2021 calendars in VERSO and SHAREit.
- Some of our members have reported errors when they scan a barcode in VERSO. Sometimes, when one barcode is scanned, more than one item is displayed in the results. This is an imperfection that AG is aware of, and they have assured us it will be resolved shortly.
Cloud Library: New eAudio titles are coming soon!
SWKLS will purchase many new eAudio titles in English and Spanish via Cloud Library. A list of titles will be posted on December 23rd’s Weekly Update. Stay tuned!