November 13, 2020
Contributions to the Weekly Wrap-up are from all SWKLS staff.
On the calendar
November 16 – Tandy and Richard will be visiting CKLS for the day.
November 17 – Verso/Auto-Graphics Q & A Session. Registration Link
November 18 Verso/Auto-Graphics Q & A Session. Registration Link
November 20 – System cloudlibrary Workshop
November 26 & 27 – System Office Closed for Thanksgiving
December 2 – Target date for the State Library to complete transfer of all audiobook purchases to the Cloud Library.
December 4 – Full Board Meeting (Online with Zoom)
December 9 – Verso/Auto-Graphics Q & A Session. Registration Link
December 11 – Richard, Jody, and Kelly will visit Seward Community College.
December 16 – Verso/Auto-Graphics Q & A Session. Registration Link
If you haven’t already, you should be receiving an e-mail from KPERS to verify your service quarters for the 2021 year. You must verify and submit service quarter info, even if you don’t make any changes. Submit to KPERS by November 20, 2020.
Another Scam:
This email was sent to one of our System Libraries. If you get this do not respond to it. Any unemployment paperwork will come to the library by mail from the Kansas Department of Revenue.
One or more unemployment insurance claims have been filed indicating your company is a party to the claim.
Please complete the request for separation information at by selecting the “Separation Information” radio button and entering your federal employer identification number (FEIN) and your PIN. You can also log into your tax account at and complete the notices from there. Please submit your response within 10 calendar days. Failure to submit your response within 10 calendar days will prevent you from protesting any subsequent decision made regarding this claim.
Completion of this request for separation information is required by law K.S.A. 44-709(b); K.S.A. 44-710(c)(3).
If you are submitting attachments, they cannot be password protected or encrypted.
This e-mail was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming e-mail. Please do not reply to this message.
Summer (Reading) Library Program:
I have sent out a “form” for any libraries that are interested in doing the Reader Zone app again this year. If you could get that back to me by December 2, 2020, then I can forward the information to Alice Smith at the State Library.
Talking Books
If you have a patron that is need of the Talking Books Service here are the links to the Webpage
Kansas Talking Books, and the the Application Form, Kansas Talking Books Application Form. You can download the application and have the patron or family member complete the form and then turn it in to you at the library. If you can verify the patron’s condition you can be the approving signatory. If you can’t verify the patron’s condition then they will need to visit their local doctor for authorization.
If you have any questions please contact Richard at the System office.
Friends of Kansas Libraries
If you haven’t done so already, be sure to go to the FoKL Facebook page and “Like” the page to keep up with their activities. If you would like to become a member of the Friends of Kansas you can do so here Friends of Kansas Membership Form.
To get more information you can visit their Friends of Kansas Webpage.
Kansas Reads to Pre-Schoolers
The month of November is Kansas Reads to Preschoolers month. This program is set for the whole month so libraries can contact their local preschools to set up dates and times to read to the classes and/or hand out the selected book for this year which is Groovy Joe: Ice Cream and Dinosaurs written by Eric Litwin and art by Tom Lichtenheld.
Groovy Joe StoryWalkⓇ will soon be available for ILL.
Here is the link to the State Libraries webpage that contains PR content (poster, bookmarks, and Facebook Banner):
Andy Schafer, of the state library is looking to do additional workshops for the transition from RB Digital to cloudLibrary for those that missed this workshop on the 3rd. No dates set as of yet.
Legislative Day
Some discussion was done on how to structure Legislative Day. It looks to become another online event and if it is how will KLA entice lawmakers to join in for an online session.
The Governmental Affairs Committee has started working on a position statement for the upcoming 2021 legislative session. One major point of focus will be broadband access and availability.
Will you please consider sharing stories about broadband use? For example, just yesterday, a middle school in western Kansas had to quarantine the basketball team. Luckily the library had several circulating hotspots and was able to lend them to the students. Now those students will be able to continue school off site without skipping a beat. To me another awesome part of the story is the librarian was at the school teaching database use.
That’s a great story that will carry a big impact with our legislators. I know you have great stories and request you share them. You can send your stories to me and I will collect them for the Governmental Affairs Committee. Just email me at
Gail Santy
Central Kansas Library System/Great Bend Public Library
1409 Williams St
Great Bend KS 67530
620-792-4865 x. 107
Courier Information
If you need to contact Caroline Handwork you will need to use her email She is in the process of getting a line in her home for a telephone.
Who to contact at SWKLS
If you are uncertain who at SWKLS to contact with specific questions, we have created a sheet to assist. Here is the link to the sheet:
Available trainings
Auto-Graphics Q & A Dates at 10AM: 11/17, 11/18, 12/9, and 12/16. Registration links are above and are limited to 15 seats per session. Everyone is welcome! Any questions you have will be answered.
Website Workday

We are having a Website Workday on Monday, November 16th, 2020
from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. CST
at Dudley Township Public Library.
We have two available spots open.
It will be a small group of only five.
If you would like to join us please register on Eventbrite.
Audiobook update & KSLC Refresher Webinar
Audiobook Update and KSLC Refresher Webinar – Tuesday, November 3, 2020, 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Join the state library for an exclusive update on our marketing efforts, the upcoming transfer of our audiobook collection from RBdigital to cloudLibrary, and everything you need to know to help patrons access our collections and prepare for the change.
This training will be recorded and archived for later viewing.
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Audiobooks will be transferred statewide to cloudLibrary by 12/2/20:
Due to a change in ownership of the RBdigital Media Company and the new owners’ announced intent to discontinue the RBDigital apps and website in the near future, the State Library of Kansas has entered an agreement with bibliotheca to migrate all licensed audiobooks that could be moved to their cloudLibrary platform on December 2, 2020.
This means that we need to get the word out to all RBdigital patrons and get them ready for the change. Since access to the RBdigital registration page originally required a Kansas Library eCard, our hope is that many of our RBdigital users already have an eCard that they can use right now to log into cloudLibrary. However, one of the main targets of our messaging will be RBdigital patrons who, for whatever reason, don’t have a current Kansas Library eCard. In order for them to continue accessing our collection once it’s moved to cloudLibrary, they’ll need an eCard.
But don’t fret! We’re going to do everything we can to prepare you and your patrons. We’ve put together a NicheAcademy tutorial to that answers some of the most frequently asked questions about the transfer, instructions on how to download personal data from RBdigital, and guidance on how to access audiobooks through cloudLibrary. Additionally, we’ll be presenting a webinar next week giving you everything you need to know to guide your library and patrons through the transfer.
Check out our tutorial on the transfer now and keep an eye on the KANLIB-L listserv for more information about the webinar.

Join us November 6th or the 20th for this new adventure of setting up the cloudLibrary App as well as navigating within.
Register on Eventbrite
Can’t wait to see you there!!
Auto-Graphics Help Desk
SWKLS Staff recommend that you contact the office when there is a problem with Verso or ShareIt. For the libraries who would like to access the AG Help Desk directly, please email Kelly with a list of staff members, their full names, and complete email addresses by EOD ON 11/18.
PLA Webinar on Nov. 18th: Providing Senior Services in a COVID-19 World.
Click here for details and pricing.
Lane County Library Update
LACO is borrowing ILLs through Kelly; the library is not lending at this time. If LACO has an overdue ILL, a renewal would be much appreciated. The library is open and accepting courier deliveries as normal. Available staff members are Mona and Gayle.
SWKLS StoryWalkⓇ Collection: Coming Soon!