System Spotlight
By Staff
Grant County Library Has Special Visitors

Grant County Library had an extra special visit from a minion and Booky! They were at the library to celebrate the upcoming summer library program and encourage kids to sign up!
What a fun way to get kids engaged! If you would be interested in checking out a costume for your upcoming event, please reach out to us here at the office. 🙂
Lookin’ good, Grant County!!
Future Dates & Training Opportunities (All Times in CST)
May 21st – 1:30 PM – 2 PM – NEKLS Presents Focus On: K-State Libraries/Register Here
May 21st – 2 PM – 3 PM – Twosday Takeaway: Cosplay and Anime: Creative Programming for Teens with Sara Wilson/Register Here
May 22nd – 1 PM – 2 PM – Should You Overcome or Embrace Imposter Syndrome? Webinar/Register Here
May 27th – System Office Closed in Observance of Memorial Day
May 27th – Humanities Kansas Culture Preservation Grant Applications Due/Click Here for More Info & to Apply
May 30th – 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM – Kansas Regional Library Systems Present – After Lunch Course: Advocacy in a Polarized World/Register Here
By Sara Wilson
May’s Twosday Takeaway
This month’s Twosday Takeaway has been postponed until Tuesday, May 21st!! Please join us then as Sara Wilson (with help from Richard!) encourages your mind to go wild with creative ideas for Gen Z programming. Register here!

After-Lunch Course: Advocacy in a Polarized World

The Kansas Regional Library Systems invite you to join us for a webinar on Thursday, May 30, 1:30 – 2:30 PM via Zoom. Advocacy in a Polarized World will be presented by Peter Bromberg of EveryLibrary Institute. A link to the recording will be shared directly with all who register. You can learn more about this upcoming webinar on the regional system website: There is no cost to attend this webinar – this course is on us! Zoom registration:

Reminder: SWKLS Retreat Coming in September
This is a reminder that we have our retreat coming up on September 26th and 27th in Syracuse, KS. We have a speaker lined up and it’s going to be a fun, relaxing experience! Come get to know your area colleagues, share stories, laugh, learn, and get away from it all.
Kansas Legislative update:
All of the new bills introduced this legislative session, except for one, died in committee. The one bill that did make it through both houses and Governor Kelly signed into law was HB 2176. This bill authorizing the creation of the Arkansas City and Utica Public Library Districts.
This did have an amendment placed in it to have all government boards that had budgetary powers would have to be elected boards. This amendment did not make it through committee and was not part of the bill that Governor Kelly signed.
The budget for 2025 was approved with State Library Director’s $1,000.00 base grant for State Aid and on top of that a per capita increase of $.02. The interesting point with the per capita increase is that the per capita is for the whole state’s population, so he reported to the System Directors that this would be approximately a $.06 increase. As always to receive State Aid you have to meet the two standards: complete the yearly Public Library Survey and your local government has to make a “Maintenance of effort” in your budget (increase the mill). If those two standards are not meet you will not receive State Aid.
The Systems will receive an increase in our State Aid as well. This increase would be approximately $34,000.00 for SWKLS. So total State Aid for the System in 2025 will be approximately $84,000.00. Staff would like to see it go back out in the form of grants to our member libraries.
There is one caveat to this budget increase. Governor Kelly is expected to call a special session because she and the legislature have not agreed on tax relief. The State Librarian stated that when they are in session they do have the ability to take another look at the 2025 budget as part of the tax relief discussion. The State Library Director also mentioned that the increase in State Aid to libraries is not a guarantee for the 2026 budget. The budget committee will start out with the 2025 budget structure for the State budget, but it can recommend decreases in State Aid. This can be done because the increase was not done by statute.
With this in mind, as I recommend with grants, don’t figure State Aid into your general operating budget. These funds need to be an augmentation to your budget. This allows for if a grant decreases you won’t feel the affect on your library budget for operations.
Cataloging, Collection Development, and ILL
By Sara Wilson
Collection Development Inspiration
For All VERSO Users: May Versed in VERSO Recording Posted
From VERSO Product Manager Julie Cavender:
The May Versed in VERSO recording and presentation is posted. To access the recording and slides, go to Staff Dashboard > Support > VERSO.
For ILLers: Sharing About SHAREit Recording Posted
From SHAREit Product Manager Deborah Hensler:
The recording and slides from April’s Sharing about SHAREit Q&A are posted here: Staff Dashboard > Support > SHAREit – the Sharing about SHAREit webinars are posted at the top of the chart.
The next Sharing about SHAREit webinar is scheduled for next Wednesday, May 22. Registration is open at: We’ll be answering questions as usual and will do a short demo of the new reports.
Additional Sharing about SHAREit webinars are scheduled for:
- Tuesday, June 18 – ILL Basic Training – note that this is on a Tuesday due to the federal holiday on June 19
- Wednesday, July 24
Please send the above information to your libraries. It has been sent to everyone who registered for last month’s Sharing about SHAREit.
by Christopher Dressler