System Spotlight
By Staff
Congratulations Haskell Township Library

Lt. Governor Toland Announces Rural Economic Development Grant Recipients
By Sara Wilson

Image provided by contributor Jenny_Nguyen
I want to take this time to thank each one of you for the time you take to work within your communities and make them a better place. You as the director do many duties that the general public don’t see, but know that I appreciate all that you do. To your staff and board, I thank them for the hours they spend at the library. To the staff that are meeting the public everyday and providing the programming for your communities, thank you for all your hard work.
Thank you to the System Board members. You are the guiding force for the System that I have the pleasure of navigating for the members. To the staff here at the System Office: Tandy; Sara; Miguel; Steve; Bernardo; and Chris…thank you for all you do for the System and our members. You have all been hard working and been willing to make adjustments when I ask you to.
I appreciate how everyone allows me to be serious, when need be, but also have fun when we get together. I always love seeing each of your smiling faces at our meetings and/or workshops and how you network with each other at these events.
I hope your holidays and New Year is filled with Joy – Richard
Some Holiday Cheer for You!
Cataloging, Collection Development, and ILL
By Miguel Coca
Collection Development Inspiration
Sharing about SHAREit
The next Sharing about SHAREit webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at 11am PT / 12pm MT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET.
The webinar is scheduled for 90 minutes and will focus on two topics:
- OPAC customization
- Lender List configuration
Registration is open at:
Additional Sharing about SHAREit webinars are scheduled for:
- Wednesday, March 12 – Request Management Q&A
- Wednesday, April 23 – Non-Returnables
The registration link for each session will be sent about a month in advance.
I hope to see you at a future Sharing about SHAREit session!
Thank you,
Deborah Hensler
Product Manager – SHAREit | Pittsburgh, PA
O: 909-569-1512 | C: 412-258-0372 |
Auto-Graphics Listening Session
Next week, we will have a listening session with Alan from Auto-Graphics where you can express any questions, comments, and concerns with Verso. It will be held on February 4th at 3:30. I have attached the Zoom Link below.
Topic: Auto-Graphics Listening Session
Time: Feb 4, 2025 03:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 874 4275 0164
New to the SWKLS Pro Collection

Community engagement isn’t simply an important component of a successful library—it’s the foundation upon which every service, offering, and initiative rests. Working collaboratively with community members—be they library customers, residents, faculty, students or partner organizations— ensures that the library works, period. This important resource from ALA’s Public Programs Office (PPO) provides targeted guidance on how libraries can effectively engage with the public to address a range of issues for the betterment of their community, whether it is a city, neighborhood, campus, or something else. Featuring contributions by leaders active in library-led community engagement, it’s designed to be equally useful as a teaching text for LIS students and a go-to handbook for current programming, adult services, and outreach library staff. Balancing practical tools with case studies and stories from field, this collection explores such key topics as
- why libraries belong in the community engagement realm;
- getting the support of board and staff;
- how to understand your community;
- the ethics and challenges of engaging often unreached segments of the community;
- identifying and building engaged partnerships;
- collections and community engagement;
- engaged programming; and
- outcome measurement.
by Christopher Dressler
This Week in Cybersecurity: NCA Data Privacy Week
January 27 – 31, 2025 is the Nation Cybersecurity Alliance: Data Privacy Week. What is Data Privacy? I am glad you asked. Let’s start more basic. Ask yourself what personal privacy is. Is it shutting your front door, closing your blinds, and having sensitive conversations in areas you know no one else is listening. In these situations, you are controlling the environment to give information only to the person you want. Controlling your online information should be thought of in the same way.
Privacy is right, and your choice for you or your information not to be observed or used without your permission. However, according to many TOS documents, just simply accessing an online service gives the business permission to view and use your data you give them. If you do not agree to those terms, then you do not use the service. They cannot access your driver’s license or bank/credit card information unless you use that information on their site.
The point of this article is to remind you to be mindful of what you are agreeing to when you skip reading the Terms of Service or Privacy agreement. There is a certain creep factor when you finally realize how much of your data is actually online. You do have some control of what you see when you do a vanity search on Google. If that is something you are interested in, please stay tuned to this section of the Wrap Up and I will be sharing those instructions in a later issue.
“If you are not paying for it, you are the product.”
How do you know if a website is collecting your data? The answer is in the title. So, the question then becomes, how do I control how much product(data) they are collecting? There is a tradeoff between convenience and privacy for many online services. As an example, if you want to share photos on Facebook, you have to give Facebook access to your photos. You can choose to grant access to just the photos you want to share but on iPhone I have to change access permissions for every photo I want to share. Once your photo is uploaded to Facebook, according to Facebook’s policy, “you grant them a license to store, copy, and share your photo with others, consistent with your privacy settings, meaning you control who can see it, but Facebook can still use the photo for platform operations and improvements as outlined in their terms of service; essentially, you own your content but give Facebook permission to use it within their guidelines.” according to the TOC agreement.
The key now becomes how do you gain control of your data. Change your online habits. Online service will ask permission to access more than they need. For instance, I have Sudoku app on my phone that requested access to my contacts, location, and my camera. Why in world would a sudoku game requesting access to my location or camera? For some of these, you can deny permission for the app to access those services, there is a switch in the iPhone app setting I can tap to deny access that data. Android is similar. Websites do similar data “mining” when you visit them. For an example, Google in many cases request access to your location in your browser. So, understand the trade-off and adjust at your habits to your comfort level.
Lastly, we need to remember that we need to be creating complex passwords and that we are changing them regularly. Enable multifactor authentication on sites that offer the service. Avoid unfamiliar emails that could be phishing. These are just a couple of options to protect your data from being unauthorized accessed by hackers.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us here at the SWKLS office.