System Spotlight
By Staff
Future Dates & Training Opportunities
February 22, 2024 – 4 pm – 5 pm CST – Switching it Up! Creating a Video Game Collection for Your Library Webinar/Registration Link
February 23, 2024 – 10 am – 3 pm CST – Summer Reading Workshop Featuring Will Stuck/Registration Link
February 28, 2024 – 1 pm – 2 pm CST – Best Picture Books Published in 2023 for Ages 1-6 Webinar/Registration Link
Feburary 29, 2024 – NON-Public Library ILL Survey is DUE
March 5, 2024 – 10 am – 3 pm – Tech Workshop: Social Media at Dodge City Public Library in the Lower Level Meeting Room/Registration Link
March 12, 2024 – 2 pm – 3 pm – Twosday Takeaway: BookTok, Bookstagrams, & YouTube Book Trailers/Registration Link
March 15, 2024 – 10 am – SWKLS Hybrid Board Meeting at Jetmore Public Library
March 15, 2024 – SWKLS Sampler Day following the board meeting at Jetmore Public Library
By Sara Wilson

March’s Twosday Takeaway
BookTok, Bookstagrams, & YouTube Book Trailers
Are you wanting to find new ways to connect with your patrons online? Let SWKLS Technology Trainer Chris Dressler get you geared up to facilitate Book Discussion Groups on your social media pages! Register here!

Image provided by contributor juan mendez
Kansas Bills that have been Introduced – Richard Brookman
It’s been a whirlwind for the start of the year with Legislative Day mixed in and producing different programs for Library Board training and beyond. During Legislative day I was able to visit with 9 out of the 10 Senators and/or Representatives that make up our area. With the upcoming election coming up for all of the legislators we have at least 1 that will be moving out of our area with the redrawing of the map. Senator Straub mentioned to me that her area and being changed and Senator Doll will be picking up what she used to have in our area.
I was able to have roughly 15 minutes of each of their time at the Capitol. I introduced myself to each Legislator from being the System Representative and that led into how the Systems are structured and the mission to support our member libraires. I mentioned about funding for our libraries and how if State Aid was increased and given a base level how it would help the libraries. Within these conversations I was able to work in stories that were sent in or told to me. Thank you for doing that for me.
Some bills that have been introduced either last year that carried over and some that were introduced this year that are of interest to the library community:
HB 2176 – was introduced last year and has been moved to the Senate Committee on Local Government. This is the bill that would wave the statute for Arkansas City Public Library and Udall Public Library to form districts. The committee had a hearing on February 15 to continue discussion of this topic. The main thing here is that I asked the Senators from our area that are on that committee to look over the pros and cons for what this bill would do in funding. It would help the local library, but be mindful that it would take funding away from the Central Library System to support it’s mission.
Link to follow HB 2176 through bill tracker.
HB 2573 – has been introduced this year and has been referred to the Committee on Taxation. This bill’s short title is “Requiring certain libraries that have budgets approved by taxing subdivisions to be subject to the revenue neutral rate independent of the taxing subdivision.” The way this would effect our profession is that each type of library would have to have there own separate RNR hearings from their local governments and be subject to all requirements set forth with the RNR.
Link to follow HB 2573 through bill tracker.
HB 2700 – has been introduced in this session and has been referred to the Committee on Education with a hearing set on February 14. The short title for this bill is “Establishing the school library rating system task force to develop a rating system for materials available to students in public school libraries and requiring school districts to implement such rating system.
This is a fairly short bill and if passed the task force would contain: 1 member appointed by the State Board of Education; 3 members appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives (1 being a member of the House, 1 being a parent of a student enrolled in a public school, and 1 from a school districts board or superintendent); 1 appointed by the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives from the House; 2 appointed by the president of the Senate (1 being a member of the Senate and 1 being a parent of a student enrolled in a public school); 1 appointed by the Minority Leader of the Senate from the Senate; and 1 appointed from the Kansas Association of School Librarians that is a School Librarian.
Many expect that if this bill does get passed and goes to the Governor’s desk that it will be vetoed.
Link to follow HB 2700 through bill tracker.
SB 358 – is another short bill that has been introduced during this session and has been referred to the Committee on Federal and State Affairs. No hearing has been set for this bill at the time of this writing. The short title of this bill is “Prohibiting school districts and local libraries from prohibiting, banning or restricting books or other media unless certain requirements are met.”
This is one that librarians are pleased to see introduced, but it is uncertain if it will gain any traction. There is some wording that is questionable, described below. Still it is nice to see someone try to help libraries during this time.
For both school or public libraries their has to be at least 5% of qualified voters in the school district or locality of the library have to sign onto a request to prohibit, ban or restrict the media. This low percentage has some librarians concerned.
The other section of this bill for both school or public libraries is the wording of “age-based restriction on obscene or pornographic material.” The courts have defined “obscene” however the courts have not defined “pornographic” or porn. The reason that this hasn’t been defined is because what one person thinks is porn might not be what another person thinks is porn.
Link to follow SB 358 through bill tracker.

You’ve heard of Sip ‘n Paint or Paint Parties. Switch it up with a Glow in the Dark Paint Party! Popular with teens, glow in the dark paint parties are a fun, simple, and memorable way to get creative! Read this library’s experience to see how they pulled it off. Maybe you could try it at your library!
Cataloging, Collection Development, and ILL
By Sara Wilson
Collection Development Inspiration

For ILLers:
Sharing About SHAREit
From SHAREit Product Manger Deborah Hensler:
The next Sharing about SHAREit Q&A is scheduled for next Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 11am PT / 12pm MT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET.
Registration is open at:
Additional Sharing about SHAREit webinars are scheduled for:
- Wednesday, March 20
- Wednesday, April 25
- Wednesday, May 22
The link to register for each session will be sent about a month in advance.
by Christopher Dressler
MS Publisher EOL in Office and O365
“On February 15, 2024, Microsoft announced that Publisher will reach its end of life on October 13, 2026. After this date, Publisher will no longer be included in Microsoft 365 plans, and existing on-premises installations will no longer be supported. This date will mark the end of Publisher as a standalone Microsoft program since its initial release in 1991.”
Don’t fret though. If you have been using Publisher for signage and marketing, there are alternatives. One such alternative that I have been using is called Canva. A basic version is free to use at If you are interest in a Canva Basics presentation, there is a training event scheduled for March 5th, 2024 at the Dodge City Public Library. You can sign up on UBMe here.