Contributions to the Weekly Wrap-up are from all SWKLS staff.
Activities and Training On the calendar:
No Directors Forum for the Month of December
December 14 – Taxing and Contract Funding Task Force:
9:30 am CT Morning Session Link:
1:00 pm CT Afternoon Session Link:
December 16th at 10AM CT: AG Q&A Session #4 – Register here. All are welcome! Submit your questions to Kelly by noon on 12/14.
January 5, 2021 – Directors Forum
January 6, 2021 – Clean Up, Clean Out, Cling Onto – Email Session
January 13, 2021 – Clean Up, Clean Out, Cling Onto – Desktop Session
January 15, 2021 – Full Board Meeting (Online with Zoom) at 10:00 am
Recordings from Sessions 1 & 2 are available on the SWKLS wiki, along with a list of topics discussed. Click here.
January 20, 2021 – Clean Up, Clean Out, Cling Onto – Privacy Session
January 27, 2021 – Clean Up, Clean Out, Cling Onto – Methods Session

Congratulations to Library Journal’s STAR Libraries in the Southwest Kansas Library System area!!
This is the 13th year of the Library Journal index of Public Library Service and Star Library ratings. The LJ index rates U.S. public libraries based on selected per capita output measures. The 2020 scores and rating are based on FY18 data from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) Public Library Survey (PLS). This year, 5,608 U.S. public libraries qualified to be rated in the index. Kansas had a total of 10 Star libraries. 4 of the 10 came from the SWKLS region.
These Libraries in the SWKLS region are:
5 Star Cimarron City Library, Cimarron, Kansas
4 Star Lane County Library, Dighton, Kansas Morton County LIbrary, Elkhart, Kansas
3 Star Montezuma Township Library, Montezuma, KS
Summer (Reading) Library Program:
Tandy has contacted Sam Ricke, By Grace Creative, to work up an alternate image for the Summer Library Program T-Shirts. Sam is still working up the design. We will let everyone know about the alternate design as soon as we hear back from Sam.
Website being Redesigned/Updated:
With the last meetings minutes being approved Jody and the Tech Department will continue to update the System’s website with updated information.
End of Year Activities to Prepare for:
Before the end of the year library boards will need to make their annual GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) resolution for the new year. The GAAP waiver is what allows libraries to operate on a “cash basis” accounting system. Contact the System Office if you have any questions.
Get ready to prepare your W2’s and if you have an accountant do this for your library, get it scheduled with them before the accountant’s calendar fills up.
If you library board chooses to move funds from the 2020 budget to the 2021 budget it will need to be done at the December board meeting. If you are unsure of how this works or need wording for the motion contact the office and Richard explain how this works and work up a sample motion for your board.
Set your calendars up within Verso for 2021.
Set your budget line items for 2021 in QuickBooks if you haven’t already done so.
If your library has it’s staff use all of their vacation and sick leave within the current year you need to make sure your staff takes their time off before they loose those hours.
Courier Information:
If you need to contact Caroline Handwork you will need to use her email She is in the process of getting a line in her home for a telephone.
Who to contact at SWKLS:
If you are uncertain who at SWKLS to contact with specific questions, we have created a sheet to assist. Here is the link to the sheet:
Auto-Graphics UPDATES:
- Verso Splash Page Inspiration:
AG has provided us with a list of beautiful Verso splash pages to inspire us. Click on each location to view.
Millard Oakley Public Library, TN
Platteville Public Library, WI
Spring Lake Public Library, NJ
- When looking at an item record in Verso, there used to appear a button on the left which said “request this item,” which was quite confusing, being as an ILL cannot be requested in Verso. Two weeks ago, AG changed the wording to “place hold.” Therefore, a hold can be placed by using either of these buttons:

- In Verso’s advanced search, a list of resources is listed. The resources that many libraries have labeled as “One Click” lists rbDigital. As rbDigital is no longer available, this resource should be deleted from the list. If you would like Kelly to do this for you, let her know.

- At the end of an item record in Verso, there appears a long list of features, such as “more about this title”, “shelf browse”, “Good Reads reviews”, etc. These features are populated by an EBSCO web-based program called NoveList. Some libraries have expressed their desire to turn NoveList off. AG has assured us that this is possible. If your library no longer wishes to see these features at the bottom of a record, let Kelly know by 12/18. She will compile a list of libraries to pass along to AG, who will turn off these features for those who request it.
- If you have not already done so, please update your calendars in BOTH Verso and ShareIt. Let Kelly know if you need help.
- SWKLS’s Cat Express quarterly report was emailed to all library directors on 12/7.
- Directions to complete the 2020 Public Library Survey (ILL Report) is coming soon to the SWKLS wiki.
- AG will conduct training especially designed for SWKLS new directors in late January.
New Additions to the SWKLS StoryWalk® Collection:
- Winter dance StoryWalk® 9780544313347
- Hello winter! StoryWalk® 9780823444342
- I love you through winter, spring, summer, and fall StoryWalk® 9783907130247
- Tracks in the snow StoryWalk® 9780312371340
- And to think that I saw it on Mulberry Street StoryWalk® 9780007489114
- The little fir tree StoryWalk® 9780064435291
- Marisol McDonald doesn’t match StoryWalk® = Marisol McDonald no combina StoryWalk® 9780892392353
- Book fiesta! : celebrate Children’s Day StoryWalk®/Book day = Celebremose El dia de los ninos/El dia de los libros StoryWalk® 9780061288784
- The night the kingdom rose again StoryWalk® 9780997575187
New Additions to the SWKLS Professional Collection:
- 52 ready-to-use gaming programs for libraries 9780838947340
- Podcasting with youth : a quick guide for librarians and educators 9781440870354
- Developing a library accessibility plan : a practical guide for librarians 9781538131138

In the month of January, we will have four sessions presenting tips and tricks on how to get yourself organized for 2021.
- January 6 – Clean-Up & Clean Out Emails
- January 13 – Clean-Up & Clean Out Desktop
- January 20 -Cling Onto – Privacy
Perfect time of the year to review privacy settings and how to protect yourself. - January 27 – Cling Onto – Methods
Directors will discuss some methods they cling to throughout the year. We will have Holly Mathes (Grant County Library) a veteran director and Sara Koehn (Haskell County Library) a novice director as a presenter.