System Spotlight
By Staff
#TrendyLibrarian Pics
Thank you to everyone who came out to this year’s #TrendyLibrarian workshop! We hope you had a great time and walked away with a ton of new information, resources, and freebies! 🙂 Many thanks once again to our guest speakers Dr. Michael Lynch (keynote) and CKLS General Consultant Liz Dukelow (anime & manga terminology) who both did such an amazing job and gave us a lot to think about! If you attended and took pictures, please send pictures to Sara or Chris and we will be happy to put them in the Wrap-UP!

From Pages to Clerks to Reference to Technical Services to Directors and every other title that exists in the library world: HAPPY NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK! You are all so incredibly vital to your library and your community! The work that you do matters. It has huge impacts on your community, enriching lives and celebrating freedom.
Thank you for all the hats that you wear and everything that you do! You are appreciated!!
— Your friends at SWKLS
Future Dates & Training Opportunities (All Times in CST)
April 15th – 10 AM – 12 PM – WorldShare Record Manager Pop-Up Training at Dodge City Public Library/Register Here
April 16th – 1:30 PM – 2 PM – KLA & NEKLS Present Focus On: Liberal Memorial Library with Royce Kitts/Register Here
April 19, 2024 – 10 am – SWKLS Hybrid Board Meeting at Liberal Memorial Library & afternoon ALICE classroom training/Register Here
April 19th – KLAEF Scholarship Deadline
May 8-10, 2024 – MPLA Conference in Salt Lake City, UT
May 14th – 2 PM – 3 PM – Twosday Takeaway: Cosplay and Anime: Creative Programming for Teens with Sara Wilson/Registration Coming Soon
May 15th – 2 PM – 3 PM – Addressing Body Shape and Size Stigma in Libraries: Getting Started Webinar/Register Here
May 27th – Humanities Kansas Culture Preservation Grant Applications Due/Click Here for More Info & to Apply
By Sara Wilson
Culture Preservation Grants Through Humanities Kansas

Is your library working on a digitization project? Do you in any way preserve local/state history items at your library? Do you make access to local/state history items available to the general public? You may be eligible for the Humanities Kansas Culture Preservation Grant! The grant award is up to $3500 and the deadline to apply is May 27th! Click this link for more information.
Summer Reading Spanish Manual Webinar

Get ready for some summer fun en español! Please see the following from New York State Library’s Sharon B. Phillips:
Want to promote Summer Reading and Learning to Spanish speakers in your library community? The CSLP online manual has an entire section of Spanish Language program content that is available and ready to use for outreach and promotion for “Adventure Begins at Your Library” this summer!
View the recently added recording of “How to Incorporate Spanish Language Content into Your Summer Reading Program” on the NY State Library archived Youth Services webinars page. This March 8 Summer Reading Lunch and Learn session was presented by Deborah Kinirons, Bilingual Community Outreach Librarian at Uniondale Public Library, and Amy Olson, Youth Services Consultant at the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives. Deborah is also the chair of the CSLP Spanish Language manual committee.
You can also view additional Summer Reading Lunch and Learn sessions from this year and previous years on the archived Youth Services webinars page. Feel free to reach out to Sharon Phillips, NY State Library Youth Services Program Manager at if you have any questions.
Board Meeting and ALICE Training Reminder
Just as a reminder, we will be having a hybrid full-system board meeting at Liberal Memorial Library at 10 AM next Friday. Lunch will be on your own, from 12 PM to 1 PM. Following lunch, at 1 PM, we will have ALICE training led by Liberal Police Department Captain Jeff Wade. This training will be classroom only, meaning there will not be an airsoft portion. Please remember to register if you plan to attend! Thank you so much to Royce and staff for providing the space for this meeting and training! 🙂
Cataloging, Collection Development, and ILL
By Sara Wilson
Collection Development Inspiration
VERSO Update 04/02
Auto-Graphics did an update on VERSO on 04/02. According to VERSO Product Manager Julie Cavender, here are the issues that were addressed:
AG-3039 | The “Password Prompt” label in UX Admin > Settings > Login > Login Form Options was displaying in the prompt field rather than above it. This has been corrected. |
AG-3091 New Reports – Date Range Selector
The new Date Range selector has been enhanced with intuitive error messages that provides the user with clear methods for resolution.
For ILLers: Sharing About SHAREit
From SHAREit Product Manager Debbie Hensler:
The next Sharing about SHAREit Q&A is scheduled for Wednesday, April 24, 2024 at 11am PT / 12pm MT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET.
[. . .] Registration is open at:
Additional Sharing about SHAREit webinars are scheduled for:
- Wednesday, May 22
- Wednesday, June 19 – ILL Basic Training – this will be a 90-minute basic training for new staff or anyone needing a very basic refresher.
The link to register for each session will be sent about a month in advance.
Last week’s Sharing about SHAREit is posted here: Staff Dashboard > Support > SHAREit.
For Cat Express Users: WorldShare Record Manager Q & A
Here was a question/answer from a training session that I wanted to share with all of you:
Q: When I click the boxes next to my files to upload them to VERSO, the Export button disappears. What am I doing wrong?
A: Nothing. When you click the boxes, a button appears that says “Delete.” The only reason to click the boxes next to the files is to delete them. So, you don’t need to select them in order to upload. Everything in the list will be uploaded to VERSO. So, if you have items in the list you *don’t* want to upload to VERSO, you *can* delete those before you export.
If you need more clarification or just to go over things again, I am available for one-on-one training (call or email to schedule) or I can always do a ScreenConnect with you, as well. Our next WorldShare Record Manager pop-up is going to be at Dodge City Public Library in the Lois Flanagan Room next Monday. Here is the link to register. Hope to see you there!
by Christopher Dressler
Video Game Collections
Switching it Up! Creating a Video Game Collection for Your Library (
Thinking about starting a game collection? Maybe you have a collection and want to make improvements? Here is an article from Web junction for