Future Dates & Training Opportunities
September 5, 2022 – SWKLS Office is Closed for Labor Day Holiday
September 6, 2022 at 2:00 pm – Train UP! “Carrying of Firearms”/Registration Link & Zoom Link
September 8, 2022 at 1:30 pm – After Lunch Course “Cultural Humility”/Registration Link
September 9, 2022 at 10:00 am – Full Board Meeting RNR/Budget Hearing at Dodge City Public Library/Registration Link & Zoom Link
September 13, 2022 – In-Person CE Opportunity for SHAREit in Salina. (Details below.)
September 14, 2022 – In-Person CE Opportunity for SHAREit in Topeka. (Details below.)
September 14 -17, 2022 – ARSL Conference in Chattanooga, TN / Registration Link
September 30, 2022 – Tech Day+ 2022/Registration Link
October 4, 2022, at 2PM CT – DEI Train U.P.! with Paola Varela-Tena (Hamilton Co. Library) and Christina Cotton (Baker & Taylor), re: collection development and censorship.
October 26-28, 2022 – KLA Conference in Wichita/Registration Link
November 4, 2022 – Tentative date for our 3rd annual “Crafting Your Collection” – This cataloging workshop will be 100% online.
December 8, 2022 – After Lunch Course “Lead From Where You Are”
System Spotlight
By Jody Hattrup
Haskell Township Library got a new addition!!! There is still a little more work to do to it but we are very excited about our new sign. This addition helps to identify the library with our logo and let everyone driving down Highway 56 and Chouteau know our definite location. We would like to thank Western Kansas Community Foundation for grant assistance with this project. We would also like to thank A-1 Sign Pro, Darrin Nicholas and the SignPro Installers for being so AWESOME and doing an AMAZING job working with us and installing our sign.
Haskell Township Library Programming
Cimarron Public Library Programming
By Richard Brookman
Labor Day Holiday
The Southwest Kansas Library System office will be closed Monday, September 5, 2022 in recognition of the Labor Day Holiday. Everyone enjoy the weekend!
RNR & Budget Hearing & Special Budget Meeting
Mark you calendars for September 9, at 10:00 am, for the RNR and Budget Hearings. Right after these two hearings the System Board will then move into the Special Budget Meeting to approve, by resolution, the increase in Revenue Neutral Rate and Certify the 2023 Budget. These hearings and special meetings will be hybrid (in person and Zoom). If you haven’t registered yet you can do so through this registration link. If you are attending online you can access the hearings and special meeting through this Zoom Link.

September Train UP! “Carrying of Firearms”
This months Train UP! will be on Tuesday, September 6, at 2:00 pm. In this Train UP the Legislative history on open and concealed carry will be discussed and how it relates to public agencies which include public libraries. If you would like to attend you can register through this link.
The link to join in through Zoom is here, however if you can’t attend we will record the session and you can view it later. Remember if you view any of our Train UPs through the Wiki you will need to notify Richard so he can update your Continuing Education file accordingly.

After Lunch Course “Cultural Humility” by Xan Y. Goodman
The next After Lunch Course is next Thursday, September 8. It will begin at 1:30 pm CT and last approximately an hour. The topic for this “Course” is “Cultural Humility” presented by Xan Y. Goodman. Xan Y. Goodman is a Co-Editor of the ACRL publications, Co-Designer of scholarly Integrating the Information Literacy Framework into Disciplinary Courses, and Disciplinary Applications of Information Literacy.
If you are interested in attending the After Lunch Course you can register through this link.
New SEED Grant Sample Application
If your library is planning on joining in on a collaborative or its own SEED Grant there is a sample application you can use before you start entering in information on the actual online application. You can download the sample SEED Grant application here.
To remind everyone of my take away from the SEED Grant webinar I have included it here again:
SEED Grant Link for eligibility requirements and application.
After listening to the SEED Grant informational Webinar this morning this is what I came away with.
Out of our membership counties all but Ford and Seward County can apply for the SEED Grant. Multiple grant applications can be submitted, however only one (1) grant application per county will be selected to be awarded funding.
If you have received a BASE or HEAL grant you are not eligible for the SEED grant funding.
Libraries can apply for funding for:
- Purchase of books and related reading materials
- Laptops, tablets, Wi-Fi hot spots and other equipment to help patrons access reliable internet outside of library facilities and to help them connect to employment, education, general information, and essential telehealth services
- Physical improvements to library facilities including but not limited to carpet, roofs, entryways, or meeting rooms
- Purchase of furniture to benefit library patrons, such as new reading chairs, installation of coffee makers, tables and kiosks, etc.
The minimum amount that can be applied for is $5,000 and the maximum amount that can be applied for is $50,000. If you submit a cooperative grant application, you can make one portion for a senior center for $10,000 and another portion for the library for $10,000 with the total grant applied for being $20,000.
You have to have a 10% match for the amount of funding you are requesting. If you can provide more of a matching percentage, the selection committee will score your application higher. If you have an application that is a cooperative between entities the selection committee will score your application higher as well.
It is encouraged to have multiple entities submit the SEED grant application together and have a coordinator handle the application process and submittal. This means you would need to coordinate with your county government. The presenters did state that entities can apply separately, however this would make for a competitive grant with other entities within your county. This could lead to some unfavorable feelings toward the library so I would proceed with caution.
If you are awarded the grant you will have to follow their reporting method, which at the moment they stated will be quarterly (this could change).
Also if you do a remodeling or building project construction must begin four (4) months after being awarded the funds and the completion of the project must be twelve (12) months after being awarded the funds.
The difficulty that I see with this grant is that only one application will be awarded per county. If you can join in a collaboration with other county entities this could increase your chances of being awarded.
Cataloging, Collection Development, and ILL
By Sara Wilson
New to our Professional Collection:
Whether you’re an administrator or library leader concerned about the health and well-being of your team, or a library worker excited to launch a health and wellness movement in your library, you’ll find sensible guidance and inspiration in Newman’s handbook.
As part of their dedication to improving the lives of their patrons, libraries have long offered services, programs, and outreach dedicated to the health and wellness of their communities. There is a growing recognition that library workers themselves are in urgent need of such attention; low morale, and complaints of burnout and a toxic work environment, are only a few of the obvious symptoms. The good news is that by turning inward, libraries can foster wellness in their workplace and make a real difference in the day-to-day lives of their staff. Newman, who has led a popular course on the subject attended by workers from many types of different libraries, here takes a holistic approach to examine why and how libraries should focus on improving the health and wellness of employees. Filled with hands-on advice, examples of successful initiatives, and suggested action steps, in this book readers will learn
- how to define health and wellness, including its physical, psychological, and social aspects, and why they touch upon nearly everything that happens in the workplace;
- what a workplace looks like when it strives to ensure the complete physical, mental, and social well-being of workers, and the ways in which this approach to a work environment benefits both the library and the community it serves;
- the role played by the physical aspects of the workplace, such as the ergonomics of sitting and standing desks, the effects of air quality and smell on worker health and productivity, and noise levels stemming from open plan workspaces;
- about key policies relating to wages, working schedules, where employees work, and child and elder care;
- real-world advice on addressing complicated workplace issues like emotional and invisible labor, with a look at the part that burdensome or indifferent policies and practices can play in contributing to compassion fatigue and burnout;
- ways to make healthy choices for oneself and encourage healthy choices in co-workers and staff;
- concrete, evidence-based steps that libraries can take to improve workplace wellness;
- how to make a lasting difference by focusing on one aspect they can change personally and one that they can advocate changing library wide.
(Description from Amazon)
Collections & ILL Training Opportunities
Brought to you by the state library of Kansas.

Mango Languages Webinar
Tuesday, September 13, 2022 – 2:00 PM
Join us for a demo and training webinar on Mango Languages, the state library’s language-learning program. We’ll learn more about how the program works and about resources and strategies for promoting Mango Languages to library patrons.
Presented by Cruz Pardo, Account Manager with Mango Languages
Recommended for all librarians.
This training will be recorded for later viewing. A link will be sent out after the webinar concludes.
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOs, or Android: https://kslib.zoom.us/j/94027319739
Add the training to your calendar:

From Nikki Hansen, Resource Sharing Librarian for the State of Kansas Library:
The State Library of Kansas in cooperation with AutoGraphics invites you to join AG trainer Debbie Hensler, Nikki Hansen, and Jeff Hixon for two in-person SHAREit training sessions, one in Salina and one in Topeka. The Salina session will be held Tuesday 9/13 at the Salina Public Library. The Topeka session will be held Wednesday 9/14 at the Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library. Both sessions will run from 10am-4pm and attendees will be responsible for their own lunches. More information about content and topics to be covered will be available shortly. The Salina session has limited space available so if that’s your venue of choice, please sign up early. You can sign up at the link below:
By Jody Hattrup

Tech Day+ 2022 Website
We are so excited to have you at Tech Day+ 2022 on Friday, September 30, 2022, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at the First Church of God in Dodge City, Ks. Please be sure that each attendee registers separately so that we can print name badges and welcome bags accurately. This year we added a Luau theme to our Tech day so feel free to dress accordingly ex: Hawaiian shirt, sun hat, or flip-flops, etc.
The following link is the website to our big event: Click here for the Tech Day+ Website
The deadline to register for the in-person Tech Day+ 2022 is September 23, 2022. The fee to attend Tech Day+ is $10.00 per person for SWKLS members. If non-SWKLS members the fee is $75.00. Click here to register.
If you are unable to attend Tech Day+ in person, you can view the pre-recorded sessions on the wiki. The recordings will be available on October 7, 2022