System Spotlight
By Staff
Get Ready for the Eclipse
If you have programs scheduled for the upcoming eclipse Saturday, October 14 and would like to share them with us for the Wrap UP! Please send your photos to or
Greeley County Public Library
We’re almost ready for our first class to visit the 9th annual Pumpkin Patch! We’ll wait till after the predicted frost this weekend to put the mums out. Feel free to look around!

Future Dates & Training Opportunities
October 10, 2023 – Train UP: State Library Digital Databases with Andy Schafer
Oct 20, 2023, 10:00 am CST – Full Southwest Kansas Library System Board Meeting
Oct 24, 2023, 2:00 pm CST – Building Community Relationships for Better Library Services webinar, Registration Link
Oct 27, 2023 – Deadline to Submit SEED Grant Application/Main Page, Application Page
Nov 1 – 3, 2023 – KLA Conference/Wichita, Registration Link
By Richard Brookman
Kansas Reads to Preschoolers
Get your library ready for Kansas Reads to Preschoolers, coming up next month. The State Library has free, customizable promotional materials that you can print off and use in your library for related events. Click here to access. The book for 2023 is My Heart Fills with Happiness, written by Monique Gray Smith and illustrated by Julie Flett.

Image from the State Library of Kansas’ website.
Webinar: Building Community Relationships for Better Library Services
Webjunction is offering a free webinar on Tuesday, October 24th at 2 PM CST that will cover the topic of building better, stronger connections with your community. This training is aimed at rural and urban libraries alike, and will include information on discovering businesses in your community to collaborate with for mutual benefit, strategies to build those relationships, and why doing so is so vitally important. If you’re interested in attending this webinar, here is the link to register.
October Train UP : State Library Digital Databases with Andy Schafer
This month’s Train UP will be Tuesday, October 10th at 2:00 PM. Click this link to register.

Cataloging, Collection Development, and ILL
By Sara Wilson
Collection Development Inspiration
Banned Books Week 2023
In acknowledgment of Banned Books Week 2023 (October 1-7), here are some infographics prepared by the American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom, featuring statistics and information about book challenges and bans taking place in 2022 in America as well as the top 13 most challenged books of 2022. (Click images to enlarge.)

New Resources for You
The following are new books that have been added to our Professional Collection this week. If you see one that you would like to check out, whatever your position in the library, please feel free to reach out to us in any one of these ways that you prefer: 1.) Request it yourself through SHAREit. 2.) Ask your ILL personnel to request it for you on SHAREit. 3.) Call the SWKLS office. 4.) Email Sara at We will send the book to you over the courier. Check-out periods are 30 days. Renewals are allowed.

From Amazon: “Wondering what your library can do for your community’s immigrant population? This book is replete with resources, tips, and suggestions providing valuable guidance to librarians who want to better serve this still-growing part of America’s population.
This up-to-date guide to developing and implementing a wide variety of services to immigrants and new Americans focuses on the practical steps of creating and promoting programs. Illustrated by success stories in libraries throughout the country, the book discusses both traditional (ESOL and citizenship classes) and transformative (legal aid and workforce development) programs and services in terms of size, type, and local political climate (e.g., sanctuary cities) at a variety of public libraries as well as in select school libraries.
As changes unfold in regard to how the federal government and local communities view and treat immigrants and new Americans in their midst, this topic deserves a fresh take from the profession. The author meets that need, providing practical ideas that range from creating more accessible websites and improving wayfaring and customer service in order to overcome cultural roadblocks to dealing with backlash in communities as libraries extend outreach and partnership-building goals.”
From Amazon: “Developing programs for learners can be an ongoing challenge for librarians – especially first-year librarians. Current books on the topic primarily focus on makerspaces or read alouds, and are aimed at elementary school grades, with a surface-level approach. This book addresses deeper issues that librarians face, while illustrating how to serve teens and tweens specifically by offering programming relevant to their lives.
The authors offer practical ideas for developing effective programming through collaborating with the community to develop and implement programs, connecting programs to ISTE Standards and curriculum, and addressing curricular and socio-emotional needs. They also share practical advice on budgeting and funding to support programs, scheduling, maximizing the use of technology to aid in programming and much more. The book also explores ways library programs can have a positive impact on school culture, such as addressing the digital divide, inclusion and cultural relevance.”

From Amazon: “Promote lifelong reading and library use with these exciting programs for infants, toddlers, and their families, and enhance children’s capacity for learning with a myriad of stories, songs, and sing-alongs! Anyone who works with the very young will delight in this charming treasury of age-appropriate programming ideas for children from as young as 6 months through age 3. Unlike many other children’s programming guides, this one takes a literature-based approach, offering a dynamic mix of stimulating activities that center around books and give young children a head start on literacy. PreK.
You’ll find everything you need to run magnificent literature-based children’s programs. For each age level (6-11 months, 12-23 months, 24-36 months, 36-48 months), the authors present eight complete programs and provide specific instructions and guidance for working with each group. Adults will have as much fun as the children with such programs as Wiggle, Jiggle, and Bounce, Oink, Cluck, Moo, 1, 2, 3 Count With Me, and Monster Mash. A chapter on Family Fun addresses working with diverse ages and features eight family programs. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced children’s programmer, this book will help you offer quality programming and foster lifelong literacy in your community.”
All VERSO Users: Register for Versed in VERSO Coming Up 10/10
From VERSO Product Manager Rae Schneider:
The next Versed in VERSO will be held on Tuesday, October 10th, at 11:00 AM ET / 10:00 AM CT / 9:00 AM MT / 8:00 AM PT.
Do you have a VERSO question or topic you would like us to address in the next Versed in VERSO?
If so, please submit questions here:
Follow this link to register for the session:
by Christopher Dressler
Cybersecurity Awareness Month
October means cool weather, spooky holidays, and cozying up with a good book. It also means that it’s time for Cybersecurity Awareness Month.
Throughout the month of October, I will be posting articles and links to information for you to get cozy with. This week is all about using passwords more effectively. Be looking for emails, Facebook posts and Wrap UP articles and get cozy with information that will help you learn to be more digital secure.
Passwords – National Cybersecurity Alliance (

Always feel free to contact me for training requests, library cards, or technology issues at or (620)225-1231. – Christopher Dressler – 10/6/2023
AI Space
Merlin and His Teachings on Secure Passwords
Once upon a time in the digital kingdom of Cyberspace, there was a wise old wizard named Merlin. Merlin was known far and wide for his knowledge of magic and his ability to protect the secrets of the realm. He was particularly skilled in safeguarding one of the most precious treasures in Cyberspace – the Kingdom’s sensitive information.
One fateful day, the King of Cyberspace summoned Merlin to his throne room. “Merlin,” said the King, “I have heard rumors of dark forces plotting to infiltrate our kingdom and steal our most valuable data. We must take measures to fortify our defenses.”
Merlin, being a wise and experienced wizard, knew exactly what needed to be done. He set out to educate the citizens of the kingdom about the importance of strong and secure passwords.
He gathered the people in the town square, where he spoke passionately about the art of creating unbreakable passwords. “A strong password,” he declared, “is like a magical incantation that only the rightful owner can utter. It must be crafted with care, containing a mix of letters, numbers, and special characters, and should be long enough to withstand the most powerful of attacks.”
The citizens listened intently, realizing the gravity of the situation. They understood that their digital treasures – from personal messages to bank accounts – relied on the strength of their passwords.
Merlin continued his teachings, urging the people to avoid easily guessable passwords like “123456” or “password.” Instead, he encouraged them to choose phrases or combinations that held personal meaning. “The more unique and complex your password, the safer your digital kingdom will be,” he emphasized.
To make it easier for the citizens, Merlin enchanted a magical tool called the “KeePass.” This mystical artifact helped people generate, store, and manage their passwords securely. It ensured that they never had to resort to using weak or easily guessable combinations.
As the days passed, the people of Cyberspace took Merlin’s teachings to heart. They crafted passwords that were as strong as the castle walls and as impenetrable as the deepest dungeons. The kingdom’s defenses grew stronger, and the dark forces found it increasingly difficult to breach their walls.
Word of Cyberspace’s success spread throughout the digital realm. Other kingdoms sought Merlin’s guidance, and soon, the entire online world was abuzz with the importance of secure passwords.
And so, the legend of Merlin and his teachings on secure passwords became a cornerstone of digital safety for generations to come. The citizens of Cyberspace lived happily ever after, knowing that their treasures were well-guarded against any who sought to do them harm. And they all knew that it was thanks to the wise old wizard and his invaluable lessons in password security.