System Spotlight
By Staff
Kismet Public Library Partners With Area Organizations for Successful Fall Family Program
From Director Suzan Nelson: Our first Fall Family Fun event was a hit with hot chocolate, donut holes, games, mini corn sensory bins, old fashioned wagon ride and a kissing booth with Pumpkin the pony.
We had a great group with 12 volunteers from our local 4-H groups in Seward and Meade county and our Southwestern Heights FFA. We had over 120 locals.

Scott County Library Hosts Bustling BINGO Party and Has Great Turnout at Extension Office Fall Fest Booth
From Youth Services Librarian Millie Dearden: Scott County Library had a Friday the 13th BINGO party!! There was a full house with 73 participants. Winners received their choice of a Halloween Candy or a spooky spider ring. Everyone got a glow in the dark bracelet to take home and when the games were over everyone got to pick out a candy or ring!!

Scott County Library also had a booth at the West Plains Extension District Fall Fest where fest goers got to dig thru a tub full of corn for an itty bitty book! Once the book was found, they received a pencil and got to pick one of two books.

Future Dates & Training Opportunities
Nov 1 – 3, 2023 – KLA Conference/Wichita, Registration Link
Nov 15, 2023 – 1:00 pm CT, CSLP’s ‘Naturally Inclusive: Engaging Children of All Abilities Outdoors” Webinar/Registration Link
Dec 15, 2023 – 10:00 am CT, SWKLS Full Board Meeting (Online Only)
By Richard Brookman

Image provide by contributor Mariakray
2024 Board Meeting Dates
January 19th – On-line Only Board Meeting
March 15th – Jetmore Public Library hosting Hybrid Board Meeting/CE in afternoon TBD
*(March 8th – State Library Board Meeting)
April 19th – Liberal Memorial Library hosting Hybrid Board Meeting/CE in afternoon TBD
June 21st – On-line Only Board Meeting
*(June 14th – State Library Board Meeting)
August/September TBD – Dodge City Public Library Hybrid Board Meeting/CE in afternoon TBD
*(September 13th – State Library Board Meeting)
October 18th – Scott County Library hosting Hybrid Board Meeting/CE in afternoon TBD
December 20th – On-line Only Board Meeting
*(December 13th – State Library Board Meeting)

Forwarded by request of the State Library of Kansas.

Free Webinar through CSLP
On November 15, 2023, at 1:00 pm CT, the Collaborative Summer Library Program Inclusion Committee is offering a free webinar on “Naturally Inclusive: Engaging Children of All Abilities Outdoors” with the author Dr. Ruth Wilson. This webinar is in support for the 2024 Adventure Begins at Your Library theme. Join in to see how your library could do outdoor programming for all.
If you are interested in this webinar you can register through this link.
Cataloging, Collection Development, and ILL
By Sara Wilson
Collection Development Inspiration

Congratulations to Scott County Library on receiving the Rob-See-Co Rural Library Grant! Way to go!!
Also . . .
Congratulations to Greeley County Library on completing our Very Merry VERSO catalog clean-up project! You rock!!
November Train UP: Unite Against Book Bans

New Resources for You
The following is a new item that has been added to our Professional Collection this week. If you would like to check out the book, whatever your position in the library, please feel free to reach out to us in any one of these ways that you prefer: 1.) Request it yourself through SHAREit. 2.) Ask your ILL personnel to request it for you on SHAREit. 3.) Call the SWKLS office. 4.) Email Sara at We will send the book to you over the courier. Check-out periods are 30 days. Renewals are allowed.
From Amazon: The need to belong is innate and enduring, yet often elusive. Genuine belonging requires a bold approach, one that offers both depth and credibility to the work required from leaders whose organizations are craving a sense of connection, security, and acceptance.
Belonging Rules offers nuanced, direct guidance for navigating both the pre-existing and ever-evolving social and organizational demands of today’s workplace. The five rules within, based on extensive research and application, create a framework to dissect and decode the complex, complicated, and controversial issues of the modern workforce.

For All VERSO Users:
October’s Versed in VERSO is Now Available
From VERSO Product Manager Rae Schneider:
The October Versed in VERSO is now available in the customer portal and VERSO Support pages.
To access the recording and slides, go to Staff Dashboard > Support > VERSO.
Topics/questions covered:
- The New Reports Module
- A-G CAT Module Update
- Is there a way to run a report for items due on a certain date (e.g., Oct 23)?
- What is the best way to delete items from the catalog?
- Can a carousel be added to the library website outside of Verso?
- We would like to change the length of how long a patron can go before their library card must be renewed. I want to change it from one year to three years.
- What does “not defined” mean in circulation statistics?
The next Versed in VERSO will be held on Tuesday, November 14th, at 11:00 AM ET / 10:00 AM CT / 9:00 AM MT / 8:00 AM PT.
The question form for the November Versed in VERSO session is open. Please submit questions here:
Registration for the November Versed in VERSO is open. Registration link:

by Christopher Dressler
Cybersecurity Awareness Month – Week 3 and 4
Week 3: Congratulations to all those who have been cruising along and taking advantage of the Web Browsing Road Trip materials.
We’ve added a new resource to – Web Browsing A Security Roadmap.mp4: the Web Browsing: A Security Roadmap animated video module. This training will help you recall best practices for safer web browsing and recognize how your actions can influence online safety.
Bonus: AI Chatbot Threats:
Also in Week 3, you can add a bonus training video. In one minute, this video explains how AI chatbots work, what the associated risks are and why protected data should never be shared with a chatbot. The module is part of the Proofpoint “60 Seconds to Better Security” series, an essential resource that keeps companies informed and armed against recent threat trends. – 60 Seconds to Better Security AI Chatbot Threats.mp4
Week 4: We hope you’ve been taking advantage of the “Web Browsing Road Trip” resources we’ve been sharing with you over the past few weeks. To conclude, we’ve added The Roadmap to Safety infographic to this email.
I’d also like to invite you to a virtual wrap-up meeting, where we’ll discuss some success stories related to this campaign, honor our participants, and solicit your comments and feedback.
Always feel free to contact me for training requests, library cards, or technology issues at or (620)225-1231. – Christopher Dressler – 10/6/2023