Future Dates & Training Opportunities
October 21, 2022- Full Board Meeting Online Only/ Registration Link, Zoom Link
October 26-28, 2022 – KLA Conference in Wichita/Registration Link
November 4, 2022 – Basic Quickbooks/Registration Link
December 8, 2022 – After Lunch Course “Lead From Where You Are”
System Spotlight
By Jody Hattrup
Hanston Public Library Painting Pumpkin Party
Greeley County Library Annual Pumpkin Patch
Kinsley Public Library Event

By Richard Brookman
October SWKLS Board Meeting
Just a reminder that next Friday, October 21, is the next System Board Meeting. This meeting is an online meeting through this Zoom Link. The meeting will begin at 10:00 am. If you haven’t register yet you can do so through this link.
As everyone knows this will be Jody’s last day with the System. She has accepted a position with Kansas State University and will be moving to Manhattan. I appreciate everything Jody has done for the System Office and Members. From training and helping our members with Social Media questions to the skills as a photographer.
If you would like to send her a message you can do so through her email or send a card to the System Office and we will forward it to her. I and everyone congratulate Jody and wish her well in this new phase of her life. She will be missed, but again we congratulate her.
ALA Traveling Exhibit Applications Open
The American Library Association has two traveling exhibits that they are opening applications for libraries to apply to host the exhibit in their library. The first is “Exploring Origins: Promoting a National Conversation on Human Evolution” and the second is “World on the Move: 250,000 Years of Human Migration”.
“Exploring Origins” Traveling Exhibit
For the “Exploring Origins” ALA is collaborating with the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. Applications have been open since September 12 and will close on November 7, 2022. Six libraries will be selected to host the exhibit. This exhibit is to encourage libraries and patrons to “engage…across a wide spectrum – from those who do not question the scientific study of human origins to those who are troubled by its findings…”.
“Selected libraries will receive:
- The traveling exhibition for a six- to nine-week loan period
- $1,000 to support programming
- Presentation of three to four programs at each site by the NMNH Human Origins Program (at no cost to host sites)
- A set of five early human skull replicas, which may be circulated to local science educators
- Virtual training on exhibition content and exhibition set-up
- Extensive online and printed program resources
- Programming and technical support from ALA staff
In addition to hosting the exhibition, selected libraries will host a formal opening event and create a project consultation panel comprised of community members to serve as advisors for developing local programs and conducting community discussions about evolution, among other requirements.”
If you are interested in “Exploring Human Origins” traveling exhibit at your library, you can make the jump to the webpage to learn more and find the links to the application, project guidelines, FAQs, and an application preview.
“World on the Move” Traveling Exhibit
The “World on the Move” exhibit was developed by the American Anthropological Asso. and the Smithsonian’s Center for Folklore and Cultural Heritage. Applications have been open since October 10 and will close on November 14, 2022. For this exhibit fifteen public libraries will be selected “to host the 1000-square foot exhibit for approximately five weeks.”
“World on the Move brings the lens of science, history, and lived experience to a timely yet timeless topic: migration and displacement. By presenting case studies from across human history and a breadth of cultures, World on the Move will help visitors reframe how they think – and talk – about migration by:
- Recognizing that migration is a shared human experience.
- Appreciating the complexity and diversity of migration stories.
- Feeling safe to discuss issues surrounding migration.
- Sharing migration stories with family members, neighbors, and friends.
- Feeling proud of their family’s migration stories.
- Gaining greater empathy towards migrants in their communities and elsewhere.
The World on the Move: 250,000 Years of Human Migration tour will be overseen by the ALA Public Programs Office. To stay informed about other ALA traveling exhibitions, grant opportunities, and professional development from the Public Programs Office.”
If you are interested in hosting “World on the Move” at your library, follow this link to their webpage to learn more and find links to the application, project guidelines, FAQs, and an application preview.
Cataloging, Collection Development, and ILL
By Sara Wilson
In literary news, this week . . .
Andrew Carnegie Medals for Excellence Long List Announced
From the American Library Association: “Forty-three books (22 fiction, 21 nonfiction) have been selected for the longlist for the 2023 Andrew Carnegie Medals for Excellence in Fiction and Nonfiction. The six-title shortlist—three each for the fiction and nonfiction medals—will be chosen from longlist titles and announced on November 15, 2022. The two medal winners will be announced by 2023 selection committee chair Stephen Sposato at the Reference and User Services Association’s Book and Media Awards live streaming event, during LibLearnX on Sunday, January 29th at 4:30 p.m. CT. The celebratory event, including presentations by the winners and a featured speaker, will take place at the 2023 ALA Annual Conference in June 2023 in Chicago.
Carnegie Medal winners will each receive $5,000.”
To view the list, please click here.
Training and Education
For all you ILLers: Don’t forget to attend the SHAREit Q & A scheduled for Wednesday, October 26 at 1 PM CST (12 PM MT)! To register, click on this link: https://attendee.gototraining.com/r/5686791113041189122 and fill out your registration information. The registration form has a space for questions you would like to be answered during the Q & A. If your question exceeds the word limit on the form, you can email it directly to Deborah Hensler, SHAREit Product Manager, at dmh@auto-graphics.com.

Contact Sara by calling the office or by email, at swilson@swkls.org, if you have questions.
What Do You Recommend?
This common question is often asked at the front desk of the library and it’s not always an easy one to answer. Below are some helpful resources that you can use to not only help your patron find resources within your library, but also to help yourself in selecting resources for your collection:
The Secret Language of Books: A Guide to Story Elements: https://www.ebscohost.com/promoMaterials/NoveList-Guide-to-Story-Elements.pdf
Brought to you by NoveList, this guide is an invaluable resource for helping patrons and librarians to find books that are the perfect fit.
NoveList Plus is a free resource provided by the State Library of Kansas: https://web.p.ebscohost.com/novp/search/novbasic?vid=0&sid=984f9603-2https://web.p.ebscohost.comnovp/search/novbasic?vid=0&sid=5154e447-aa86-4ad0-a43f-599447433895%40redisc43-4921-8f79-0829469cf00c%40redis
By Jody Hattrup