Future Dates & Training Opportunities
All times are in Central Standard Time (CST)
December 14, 2021 at 10:00 am – Auto-Graphics Montage Demonstration (email Steve for link)
December 14, 2021 at 12:00 pm CT – Steven Sheinkin Author Visit and Codebreaking Workshop/Registration Link
December 15, 2021 at 10:00 am – Laura Keyes of Historic Voices hosting Virtual Presenters Showcase/Registration Link
December 16, 2021 at 1:00 pm CT – PLA Webinar “Tackling Racism and Bias in the Library Catalog/Registration Link
December 17, 2021 – SWKLS Full Board Meeting Online Only/Registration Link
December 23-27, 2021 SWKLS office is Closed
January 4, 2022 – Train U.P.! Facebook Fives/ Registration Link
March 4, 2022 – Summer (Reading) Library Program Workshop
Winner of the Fall Trivia is Heather Thompson (Haston City Library) & Stacey Strickland (Stevens County Library)!!
Full Board Meeting
The next Full Board Meeting will be held on December 17, 2021. It is a On-line meeting and will begin at 10:00 am CT. Please register here for the meeting.
End of the Year To-Do-List
The end of the year is fast approaching. Here are a few things that you might need to do with your Library Board if you haven’t already done so:
1) GAAP Waiver Resolution;
2) If you do the yearly taxes for the library order W-2’s to prepare or if you have an accountant contact them to schedule in a date to do your end of year taxes and/or general audit;
3) If you have access funds that the board might want to move into the 2022 budget they will need to do this before the end of the year. If you are unsure of how this works please contact Richard and he can discuss the procedure with you;
4) Set up your calendars in Verso for 2022;
5) Set you budget line items in Quickbooks if you haven’t already done so;
6) If you or your staff need to take unused time that needs to be taken before the end of the year or you or they will lose it schedule it on your calendars; and
7) If you are going to give any type of raise that will begin in January your Library Board will need to make a motion to begin the new pay scale to begin January 1, 2022.
Virtual Presenters Showcase

On Wednesday December 15, Laura Keyes of Historic Voices will be hosting a Virtual Presenters Showcase at 10:00 am CT. The showcase will be presenters that libraries might consider for general or adult programming. They are expecting at least seven speakers that will be attending covering a range of topics to possibly include: bicycles; pop music; Jane Austen; Harry Potter; and the Underground Railroad. If you are interested in attend you can register for the showcase at this link.
December’s “Talks with Ted”

Auto-Graphics next “Talks with Ted” is scheduled for December 14 at 10:00 am CT. If you would like to attend you can register at this link. If you have any questions you would like for him to considered to be included during the session you can send those question to him through this link.
Remember these “Talks” can be used for CE credit so if you do attend please let the Richard now so we can update your Continuing Education file accordingly.
Cataloging, Collection Development, and ILL
CatExpress Report
The most recent CatExpress report (July – Nov) is now available on the Wiki. / Link
Train U.P.! : Basic DEI (12/7/21)
Dr. Fleming-Randle from Wichita State University introduced basic Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training. She was fantastic, cheerful, and extremely knowledgeable. What a discussion we had! In fact, SWKLS might be able to plan a full-day DEI workshop with Dr. Fleming-Randle in the spring. More details to follow in the coming months. To view this Train U.P.’s recording and slideshow, click here / Link
VMV21 has begun enthusiastically at Fowler, Meadowlark, and Kismet. We will pause our work in the beginning of 2022 to allow for completion of the State Report. VMV will resume in mid-February. If your library has not yet signed up for this VERSO modernization project, let me know. Here’s how VMV can improve SWiftnet for staff and patrons:
In 2007, SWKLS purchased VERSO as our Integrated Library System (ILS). The name SWiftnet was created to refer to the SWKLS union catalog. When SWiftnet was created, each library created customized item statuses/exceptions, material types, location collections, and scoping levels. Fourteen years later, these customizations are still present, but many are no longer active. SWiftnet is clogged with antiquated data and is under-performing. It is time to re-evaluate local customizations. Our searches are slow, some of our reports are inaccurate, and many of our settings need to be modernized. Very Merry VERSO will provide the support our members need to complete this task, and the SWKLS Staff will be there every step of the way.

On Tuesday December 14th at 10am CST, Auto-Graphics will conduct an online demonstration and QA for Montage, a cloud-based solution for the management and display of digital collections.
With more of our members pursuing the creation and curation of digital collections, we are investigating options for a system-wide platform to meet those needs moving forward.
If you would like to attend, please email Steve for the GoToMeeting link.
For a bit more information before the demo, please visit the AG Montage webpage located here: https://www.auto-graphics.com/montage/
as well as the Southern California Library Coop’s Montage website found here: https://sclc-montage.auto-graphics.com/
Google Will Auto-Enroll 150 Million Accounts into 2SV
Google has announced that they will automatically enroll 150 million Google user accounts into 2SV (two-step verification) before year’s end. See their article here: https://blog.google/technology/safety-security/making-sign-safer-and-more-convenient/
State Library of Kansas Resource Guide
If you find it difficult to navigate through the State Library of Kansas website the following Google Slides might be a good resource for you and your staff. This document provides many of the free platforms the state promotes with training and promotional materials. Click here for the Google Slides
System Spotlight
System Spotlight
If you would like to highlight your library, we’d like to hear from you. Whether it’s about your activities, programs or anything else that is going on that you’re proud of we can hold a spotlight on your library here in the Weekly Wrap UP if you email Jody at jhattrup@swkls.org
News from Haskell Township Library
Our Storywalk is finally complete! It was built by our mayor, Lawrence Hoerman, and funded by grants and donations from Western Kansas Community Foundation, Southern Pioneer and LiNK.
Kids enjoyed carving pumpkins under our new Pavilion we were able to build with the ARPA grant. We are excited about the added programming space it gives to the library. Also part of the ARPA grant is a solar powered charging station for our patrons to use any time, day or night. Picnic tables are coming that will go under the Pavilion and benches for the front of the library.