Bulk Loans
Printable Guidelines
- This program is offered to SWKLS libraries that are part of the courier delivery service. If a library is not part of the courier delivery service they can contact a library to see if something can be worked out between individual libraries concerning postage costs. The other option is to reconsider being part of the courier delivery system.
- Boxes/tubs that go between libraries need to be kept within the courier’s guidelines of 40 lbs. Libraries that get several items might have to start getting two or more boxes/tubs to still get the amount of items they wish to receive.
- A page on the SWKLS website will have contact links for employees of each library that are in charge of the bulk loan and are willing to loan the material.
- The link will also tell a potential borrower what libraries have that they can bulk loan and match up with those particular library. If a library is not listed for a specific genre or material type don’t request from that library.
- SWKLS IT Department will help create e-mail links to streamline how libraries communicate with each other for bulk loans.
- Stats for bulk loan are within your circulation program. Per State Library of Kansas bulk loans are not considered ILL so do not add the stats to the ILL portion of the state statistics.
- Libraries will need to create accounts in Verso for bulk loans separate from your ILL accounts and make sure you enable the history. This will assist lending libraries to keep track of what has been sent to libraries in the past.
- Print receipts for both lending and borrowing libraries for when items are being sent out and being sent back. Each library can create their own internal records keeping.
- Libraries that take part in this program will need to purchase tubs or have boxes ready for sending material through the courier. These boxes/tubs must meet the courier’s guidelines.
- Libraries that take part in this program will need to purchase zip ties that are long enough to zip tie the tubs lid.
- When the driver of the courier comes to your library only one item is recorded as being sent. However, on the internal stats that goes back to NEKLS it has where the appropriate box will be filled in. Boxes/Tubs are counted as 25 items.
- Libraries that get in touch with each other will tailor the lending with each other. This includes number of swap outs (each month, every 2 months, etc.) and the number of items to be sent per genre or material.
- For new libraries coming into the bulk loan program have a limit of 25 items in a box/tub and adjust as needed.
- Existing bulk loan libraries will remain the same on how the deal with each other.
- If a lending library becomes strained on lending out bulk loans they can limit the amount of items each library can receive to spread the items around the system.
- If a library has lent out all they have within a genre or material then the borrowing library can ask another library, that can lend the same genre or material, to begin borrowing from that library.
- The lending library will strive to not send duplicates, but duplicates can still happen. If it is for smaller libraries the catalog will be checked, but if a library begins to have several bulk loans or bulk loans that want a large number of items will not be required to look through the catalog for expedience sake. If a borrower receives a duplicate they can process it or just leave the item in the box/tub.
- When borrowing libraries receive items they can process it how they desire. You can enter a brief Bib or add on to a record, it will be libraries preference. If you use stickers use stickers that will not leave a residue and remove the stickers before you send the items back to the lending library.
- When swapping out material it will be like the rotating service. If something is checked out when the library boxes everything up make a note for each library that those items need to be renewed.
- If an item is lost the two libraries that this concerns will work out how the item needs to be paid for or replaced.
Lending Libraries List
Lending Libraries Contact Information
Updated July 21, 2020